

分类: Lsat英语 
22. The reasoning in the manager s argument is flawed because the argument

(A) fails to acknowledge that the power industry might now believe nuclear power plants to be unsafe even though this plant was not closed for safety reasons
(B) overlooks the possibility that the soruces from which cheap power is available might themselves be subject to safety concerns
(C) mistakes the issue of what the closure of the plant represents to the publie for the issue of what the managers reason for the closure were
(D) takes as one of its premises a view about the power industry s attitude toward nuclear safety that contradicts the activist s view
(E) counts as purely economic considerations some expenses that arise as a result of the need to take safety precautions

23. Which one of the following if true, most strongly supports the activist s claim of victory?

(A) The plant had reached the age at which its operating license expired.
(B) The mandate for inspections and repairs mentioned by the manager was recently enacted as a result of pressure from antinuclear groups.
(C) The plant would not have closed if cheap power from nonnuclear sources had not been available.
(D) Per unit of electricity produced the plant had the highest operating costs of any nuclear power plant.
(E) The plant that closed had been able to provide backup power to an electrical network when parts of the network became overloaded.

Questions 24-25

Statistician Changes in the Sun s luminosity correlate exceedingly well with average land temperatures on Earth. Clerly—and contrary to accepted opinion among meteorologists—the Sun s lumionsity essentially controls land temperatures on Earth.

Meteorologist: I disagree Any professional meteorologist will tell you that in a system as complicated as that giving rise to the climate, no significant aspect can be controlled by a single variable

24. The rejection by the meteorologist of the statistician s conclusion employs which one of the following techniques of argumentation?

(A) supporting a conclusion about a specific case by invoking a relevant generalization
(B) producint a single counterexample that establishes that a generalization is false as state
(C) reanalyzing a correlation as reflecting the multiple effects of a single cause
(D) rejecting a conclusion because it is a proposition that cannot be experimentally tested
(E) pointing out that potentially unfavorable evident has been systematically neglected

25. The reasoning in the meteorologist s counterargument questionable because that argument

(A) rejects a partial explanation, not because it is incorrect but only because it is not complete
(B) fails to distinguish phenomena that exist independently of a particular system from phenomena that exist only as part of the system.
(C) calls into question the existence of a correlation when the only real issue is that of how to interpret the correlation
(D) dismisses a hypothesis on the grounds that is fail to deal with anymatters of scientific significant
(E) appeals to the authoritativeness of an opinion without evaluating the merit of a putative counterexample

