

分类: Lsat英语 
Questions 17-18

Although tales of wonder and the fantastic are integral to all world literatures, only recently has the fantasy genre had a commercial resurgence in North America. During the last 20 years, sales of fantasy-fiction books written for adults have gone from 1 to 10 percent of total adult-fiction sales. At the same time, the number of total adult-fiction sales. At the same time, the number of favorable reviews of fantasy books has increased markedly. Some booksellers say that the increased sales of fantasy books written for adults can be traced to the increased favorable attention given the genre by book reviewers

17. Which one of the following, if true undermines the booksellers explanation of the growth in sales of fantasy-fiction books for adults?

(A) Publishers often select a manuscript on the basis of whether they think that the published book will receive favorable reviews by book reviewers
(B) Few readers of fantasy fiction read book reviews and even fewer select books to purchase on the basis of those reviews
(C) Most booksellers are aware of what major book reviewers have written about recently published books.
(D) Although the increase in the percentage of fantasy books sold has been substantial, publishers estimate that sales could increase even further.
(E) Many of the book reviews of new fantasy-fiction novels also mention great fantasy novels of the past

18. Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the booksellers explanation of the growth in sales of fantasy-fiction books for adults?

(A) Many experts report that on average the reading level of book buyers has declined over the past 20 years
(B) Because life during the past 20 years has become complex and difficult, many readers have come to prefer the happy endings that fantasy fiction often provides
(C) Some fantasy publishers take advantage of the popularity of certain books by commissioning similar books.
(D) Because few readers of mystery novels were buying fantasy fiction 10 years ago the major publishers of fantasy fiction created an advertising campaign directed specifically at those readers.
(E) After fantasy fiction began to be favorably reviewed by respected crities 20 years ago, book buyers began to regard fantasy books as suitable reading for adults.

19. Of all the houses in the city s historic district, the house that once belonged to the Tyler family is the most famous by far Since the historic district is the most famous district in the city. the Tyler house must be the city s most famous house.

The flawed reasoning in the argument above most closely parallels the flawed reasoning in which one of the following?

(A) Of all the peaks in the coastal mountain range, Mount Williams is the tallest. Since the tallest peaks in the entire region are in the coastal mountain range, Mount Williams must be the region s tallest peak
(B) Tobacco smoking is the behavior most likely to cause lung cancer in people. Since more tobacco is smoked in Greene County than anywhere else in the world, there must be more lung cancer in Greene County than anywhere else in the world
(C) Susan Coleman is the oldest of the three children in her family Since the three Coleman children are each older than any of the other children who live in their building. Susan Coleman must be the oldest child now living in the building
(D) Of all the fish stores in the harbors area. Miller s Fish Market has the most exotic selection of fish Since there are many more fish stores in the harbor area than anywhere else in the city. Miller s Fish Market must have the most exotic selection of fish in the city.
(E) Of all the flowers grown in the university s botanical garden, the Oakland roses are the most beautiful. Since the university s botanical garden is the most beautiful garden in the regio, the Oakland roses grown in the garden must be the most beautiful flowers grown in the entire region

20. Morton: In order to succeed in today s society one must have a college degree. Skepties have objected that there are many people who never completed any education beyond high school but who are nevertheless quite successful. This success is only apparent, however, because without a college degree a person does not have enough education to be truly successful

Morten s argument is flawed because it

(A) assumes what it sets out to conclude
(B) mistakes a correlation for a cause
(C) draws a highly general conclusion from evidence about individual cases
(D) fails to consider the status of alleged counterexamples
(E) bases its conclusion on the supposition that most people believe in that conclusion

21. Even the earliest known species of land animats, known from fossils dating from the late Silurian period 400 million years age show highly evolved adaptations to life on land. Since neither aquatic nor amphibious animals exhibit these adaptations, early species of land animals must have evolved very rapidly after leaving an aquatic environment.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(A) Known fossils of early land animals include fossils of animals that lived relatively soon after the first emergence of land animals
(B) Fossils from the late Silurian period represent only a small number of the animal species that were alive at that time
(C) No plants were established on land before the late Silurian period.
(D) No present-day species of aquatic animal is descended from a species of animal that once lived on land
(E) All anmals alive in the late Silurian period lived either exclusively on land or exclusively in the water.

22. On Saturday Melvin suggested that Jerome take the following week off from work and accompany him on a trip to the mountains. Jerome refused claiming that he could not afford the cost of the trip added to the wages he would forfeit by taking off withoud notice. It is clear, however, that cost cannot be the real reason for Jerome s unwillingness to go with Melvin to the Mountains since he makes the same excuse every time Melvin asks him to take an unscheduled vacation regardless of where Melvin proposes to go

The reasoning is most vulnerable to which one of the following criticisms?

(A) It attmepts to forestall an attack on Melvin s behavior by focusing attention on the behavior of Jerome.
(B) It fails to establish that Melvin could no more afford to take an unscheduled vacation trip to the mountains than could Jerome
(C) It overlooks the possibility that Jerome, unlike Melvin prefers vacations that have been planned far in advance
(D) It assumes that if Jerome s professed reason is not his only reason then it cannot be a real reason for Jerome at all
(E) It does not examine the possibility that Jerome s behavior is adequately explained by the reason the gives for it.

23. Arnold: I was recently denied a seat on an airline flight for which I had a confirmed reservation. because the airline had overbooked the flight. Since I was forced to fly on the next available flight, which did not depart until two hours later, I missed an important business meeting. Even though the flight on which I had a reservation was canceled at the last minute due to bad weather, the airline should still pay me compensation for denying me a seat on the flight.

Jamie : The airline is not morally obligated to pay you any compensation. Even if you had not been denied a seat on the earlier flight, you would have missed your business meeting anyway

A principle that, if established, justifies Jamie s response to Arnold is that an airline is morally obligated to compensate a passenger who has been denied a seat on a flight for which the passenger has confirmed reservations

(A) if the only reason the passenger is forced to take a later flight is that the airling overbooked the original flight
(B) only if there is a reason the passenger is forced to take a later flight other than the original flight s being canceled due to bad weather
(C) only if the passenger would not have been forced to take a later flight had the airling not overbooked the original flight.
(D) even if the only reason the passenger is forced to take a later flight were that the original flight is canceled due to bad weather
(E) even if the passenger would still have been forced to take a later flight had the airline not overbooked the original flight

24. Ditrama is a federatin made up of three autonomus regions. Korva. Mitro, and Guadar, Under the federal revenue-sharing plan, each region receives a share of federa revenues equal to the share of the total population of Ditrama residing in that region as shown by a yearly populatin survey Last year the percentage of federal revenues Korva received for its share deereased somewhat even though the population surve on which the revenue-sharing was based showed that Korva s population had increased

If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also have been shown by the population survey on which last year s revenue-sharing in Dirama was based?

(A) Of the three regions Korva had the smallest number of residents
(B) The population of Korva grew by a smaller percentage than it did in previous years
(C) The populations of Mitro and Guadar each increased by a percentage that exceeded the percentage by which the population of Korva mcreased.
(D) Of the three regions. Korva s numerical inerease in population was the smallest
(E) Korva s population grew by a smaller percentage than did the population of at least one of the other two autonomous regions.

25. By examining fossilized beetles a research team has produced the most detailed description yet of temperatures in Britain over the past 22,000 years Fossils of species that still exist were selected and dated. Whey individuals of several species found in the same place were found to date to the same period the known temperature tolerances of the existing beetle species were found to date to the same period the known temperature tolerances of the existing beetle species were used to determin the maximum summer temperature that could have existed at that place and period

The procedure of the researchers assumes which one of the following?

(A) Beetles can tolerate warm weather better than cold weather
(B) Fossils of different species found in the same place belonged to different periods
(C) The process of dating is more accurate for beetles than for other organisms
(D) The highest actuai summer temperature at a place and period equaled the average of the highest temperatures that could have been tolerated by each of the beetle species found there and dated to that period
(E) The temperature tolerances of the beetle species did not change significantly during the 22,000-year period

