

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
Cooperation and competition自身应该说就是个几乎永远说不清的话题,在这里自身的对立和协调看起来就非常的有意思。我在google上面随便搜索一下,就找到例如Cooperation and competition in ecology, in sports, in bacteria, 很多不同领域中的各异的paper和观点。 我想对于一个复杂的问题而言,基本上做不到直接断言cooperation over competition或者反过来,而如果我们能站的高一点看清两者之间的千丝万缕的联系,对这个话题我们应该就能更好的把握一些了。
{{AD}}下面这篇文章读起来颇有一番滋味,里面有不少观点和句子都颇有性格。而从全文的角度而言,不知道是否有点“To cooperate so as to compete”的意思呢?且读一读看看。
By Robert Smith www.smithfam.com>
Originally the Internet was developed to enable the sharing of information on a common platform with others in their related fields. 最初看到orignally的时候就一下子引起了我对文章的兴趣。
A common protocol or computer language was developed, which allowed very different computers all over the world to be talk to each other. This sharing of information accelerated research and development in almost every area human endeavor. 至此两次提到sharing.
In the business world the free exchange of information is not exactly the accepted formula for success. But on the net, things work a little differently. The number one reason people are here in the first place is to find information and solutions to problems.
Just as the nature of a vacuum is to fill itself up, 这里这个contrast做得很有意思,实际上如果大家有印象背过oxymoron这个词的话,文章里面出现类似的观点,表述,往往很能打动人并引起思索的。这其实并不难,自己看法深入到相应的层次,就很随手写得出来 in business a need attracts a solution. Business success of at its core is simply to "find a need and fill it".
Have you ever wondered that Burger King, and Taco Bell locate their stores next door to McDonalds. Everyone does more business precisely because people visit the general area when they want fast food. Since everyone on the block is selling fast food they choose the product that satisfies their hunger at that time. The same relationship works in shopping malls.
Shopping centers are successful in the real world because they attract more traffic than any single storefront might attract on its own. The Internet as a whole operates much like one big shopping center.我对这两段的理解是,大家把生意都开在一起,从而总体上提高客流访问,虽然彼此之间肯定有竞争,但是前后乘一下就发现赚的是everyone.
Internet malls rarely offer an advantage for consumers who want as much choice as possible. Link rings, testimonials, and referrals serve the same purposes on-line.
There is plenty of money to be earned on the Internet your willing to look at the long run. Internet marketing is niche marketing. Cooperation is one of the most powerful secrets to Internet success. Rather than attempting to be a specialist in every aspect of your special area of expertise share the limelight with others. (这句话我没看明白)
In business it's often better to be a key player on a minor league team than a bench warmer on a major league team. 好像又是big fish small pond的理论了,呵呵,这里看看人家使用的不同的表述 If your product is not the best it's more profitable to sell someone else's product than lose the sale or lose the trust of your customer.有意思 In the long run it's more profitable to grow a customer for life than to make a sale that isn't the best long-term solution for your customer.
Successful businesses depend on satisfied return customers. When someone gets a referral from a source they trust it's much easier to make the sale. I give testimonials whenever I find a product I can recommend. It turns out that I get at least as many referrals from others as I give out. Much of my income comes from referrals from so-called competitors, many just returning a favor.
Many successful Internet marketers are doing business in this manner on-line. Affiliate programs and viral marketing approaches along with other forms of "pay per action" selling are becoming the normal way to grow an on-line business. While this approach may not the fastest way to grow a business it's a great long-term strategy.
Cooperation builds trust and creditability on-line; trust and credibility in turn builds sales.这个in turn的用法可以记住了以后有机会使出来,尤其是这种有contrast的句子 Rather than fear my competitors I embrace them. 有意思It simply makes good business sense to cooperate. Prime the pump; give if you want to get.
Best Wishes

