

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
fragrant        sweet-smelling

fret            worry; irritation; wear away

friction        the rubbing of one thing against another, difference of opinion

fringe          edge; ornamental border; part of hair over the forehead

frugal          careful, economical

fulmination     bitter protest

gainsay         deny, contradict

gambol          quick, playful jumping

garment         article of clothing

garrulous       too talkative

gaucherie       socially awkward, tactless bahaviour

gist            the point, general sense

glib            ready and smooth but not sincere

gloat over      look at with selfish delight

glut            supply to much, fill to excess

gossamer        soft, light, delicate material

gouge           tool for cutting grooves in wood

grave           serious, requiring consideration

grievance       cause for complaint or protest

grievous        causing grief or suffering

grooves         long channel in the surface, habital way of living

