

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

ETS经过成熟酝酿后,讲于2006年10月推出的新的GRE General Test。作为历史悠久的GRE一般化考试,历史55年来上也是首次发生重大变化。面对变化,中国考试应该尽早适应并且从考试考察能力转变之中解读中出调整和应对策略。本文通过详细剖些ETS官方给出的Verbal Reasoning权威样题,和广大考生分享新GRE阅读部分的变化究竟在哪里,本质上延续的根本特点是什么以及相应的备考策略以及启发。站在命题哲学的高度透视这次变化,做到知己知彼,百战不殆。
• Greater emphasis on higher cognitive skills and less dependence on vocabulary
• More text-based materials, such as reading passages
• A broader selection of reading passages
• Emphasis on skills related to graduate work, such as complex reasoning
• Expansion of computer-enabled tasks (e.g., clicking on a sentence in a passage to highlight it)
• Two 40-minute sections rather than one 30-minute section
Questions 6 through 8 are based on the following reading passage.
Music critics have consistently defined James P. Johnson as a great early jazz pianist, originator of the 1920's Harlem "stride" style, and an important blues and jazz composer. In addition, however, Johnson was an innovator in classical music, composing symphonic music that incorporated American, and especially African-American, traditions.
Such a blend of musical elements was not entirely new: by 1924 both Milhaud and Gershwin had composed classical works that incorporated elements of jazz. Johnson, a serious musician more experienced than most classical composers with jazz, blues, spirituals, and popular music, was particularly suited to expand Milhaud's and Gershwin's experiments. In 1927 he completed his first large-scale work, the blues- and jazz-inspired Yamekraw, which included borrowings from spirituals and Johnson's own popular songs. Yamekraw, premiered successfully in Carnegie Hall, was a major achievement for Johnson, becoming his most frequently performed extended work. It demonstrated vividly the possibility of assimilating contemporary popular music into the symphonic tradition.
6. The passage states that Johnson composed all of the following EXCEPT
A. jazz works  B. popular songs  C. symphonic music  D. spirituals  E. blues pieces
此题正确答案为D。文中开始谈到Johnson作为伟大爵士音乐家,因为其创始了新的风格,其中包括了blues and jazz。而在文章末句提到了他吸收了同时代的popular music以及symphonic。注意该题的spirituals文中确实也出现过,但是措辞用的是borrow from,题干问的是compose。
7. Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
The author suggests which of the following about most classical composers of the early 1920's?
A. They were strongly influenced by the musical experiments of Milhaud and Gershwin.
B. They had little working familiarity with such forms of American music as jazz, blues, and popular songs
C. They made few attempts to introduce innovations into the classical symphonic tradition
本题即为新GRE阅读中新酝酿推出的所谓恐怖的“多选题”。其实这种题型即为原来GRE阅读中罗马数字题的变体,只是难度进一步加大。正确答案B。--They had little working familiarity with such forms of American music as jazz, blues, and popular songs。本题从出题点分析涉及文中的比较点。最后的逻辑关系用东方阅读体系表示可以是:Johnson=Milhaud and Gershwin<>most composers。运用取非解题思路。
8. The author suggests that most critics have
A. underrated the popularity of Yamekraw
B. undervalued Johnson's musical abilities
C. had little interest in Johnson's influence on jazz
D. had little regard for classical works that incorporate popular music
E. neglected Johnson's contribution to classical symphonic music
此题正确答案为E。该题题干提到的critics指引考生定位到文章首段。经过逻辑和套路熟练训练后,不难把握Music critics have consistently defined James P. Johnson as a great early jazz pianist…… however, Johnson was an innovator in classical music。类似于两个观点的对立,为结构上重要内容。

Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following reading passage.
Scholarship on political newspapers and their editors is dominated by the view that as the United States grew, the increasing influence of the press led, ultimately, to the neutral reporting from which we benefit today. Pasley considers this view oversimplified, because neutrality was not a goal of early national newspaper editing, even when editors disingenuously stated that they aimed to tell all sides of a story. Rather, the intensely partisan ideologies represented in newspapers of the early republic led to a clear demarcation between traditional and republican values. The editors responsible for the papers' content — especially those with republican agendas — began to see themselves as central figures in the development of political consciousness in the United States.


9. Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
The passage suggests that Pasley would agree with which of the following statements about the political role of newspapers?
A. Newspapers today are in many cases much less neutral in their political reporting than is commonly held by scholars.
B. Newspapers in the early United States normally declared quite openly their refusal to tell all sides of most political stories.
C. The editorial policies of some early United States newspapers became a counterweight to proponents of traditional values.

仍然是多项选择题,要求考生自主列出ABC正确的组合。正确答案为C。A选项极具干扰度,文首谈到的一种报纸变化乃是一种未来的趋势。而A项做出了GRE阅读中很敏感的比较(than),原文没有明确的关于现在报纸的风格比较。B项为文中让步层面内容:even when editors disingenuously stated that they aimed to tell all sides of a story,体会该叙述,与公开声明的程度不符。C项counterweight解释为平衡物,表达了文末关于一些支持republican编辑的态度。

