

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

vengeance : punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense: retribution —— with a vengeance 1: with great force or vehemence 2: to an extreme or excessive degree

temperance 1: moderation in action, thought, or feeling: restraint 2 a: habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions b: moderation in or abstinence from the use of intoxicating drink

havoc 1: wide and general destruction: devastation 2: great confusion and disorder 2havoc vt hav.ocked ; hav.ock.ing (1577): to lay waste: destroy

3. 【中文释义】尽管有人认为征收高速公路使用者的过路费会消除加收公路维护税的必要,但维护一个巨大的公路网所需的巨额费用必须依赖公路维护税这样的公众税。

【解题分析】下句的these general taxes即照应上句的public taxes, 上句为消除对public taxes的需求, 所以下句转折后应为必然需求these general taxes.

【重点词条】circumvent 1 a: to hem in b: to make a circuit around 2: to manage to get around esp. by ingenuity or stratagem —— cir.cum.ven.tion n

phenomenal : relating to or being a phenomenon: as a: known through the senses rather than through thought or intuition b: concerned with phenomena rather than with h ypotheses c: extraordinary, remarkable syn see material —— phe.nom.e.nal.ly adv

necessitate 1: to make necessary: require 2: force, compel —— ne.ces.si.ta.tion n

ameliorate to make better or more tolerable ~ vi: to grow better syn see improve —— ame.lio.ra.tion n —— ame.lio.ra.tive adj —— ame.lio.ra.tor n —— ame.lio.ra.to.ry adj



【重点词条】impression 6 a: the first coat of color in painting b: a coat of paint for ornament or preservation 7: an imitation or representation of salient features in an artistic or theatrical medium; esp: an imitation in caricature of a noted personality as a form of theatrical entertainment

accentuate : accent, emphasize; also: intensify <~s the feeling of despair> ——

depict 1: to represent by or as if by a picture 2: describe 1 —— de.pic.ter n —— de.pic.tion

improvise 1: to compose, recite, play, or sing extemporaneously 2: to make, invent, or arrange offhand 3: to fabricate out of what is conveniently on hand ~ vi: to improvise something


【解题分析】in spite of, far from, not like都意味着对立面反义词的出现

【重点词条】incisiveness impressively direct and decisive (as in manner or presentation) —— in.ci.sive.ly adv —— in.ci.sive.ness n


某种形式的专制 。

【解题分析】force 和impose同义,答案应和authority同义,d 正确。

【重点词条】anarchy 1 a: absence of government b: a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c: a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government 2 a: absence or denial of any authority or established order b: absence of order: disorder 3: anarchism

permanence : the quality or state of being permanent: durability

provincialism 1: a dialectal or local word, phrase, or idiom 2: the quality or state of being provincial

autonomy 1: the quality or state of being self-governing; esp: the right of self-government 2: self-directing freedom and esp. moral independence 3: a self-governing state


【解题分析】contrasts sharply提示两空格应为反义词,a,e为同义词, b,c不构成反义词。可得答案d. 或由unwareness of the extent of corporate crime 可知:公众对corporate crime 的词汇量同样是很少的。

【重点词条】corporate 1 a: formed into an association and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities of an individual: incorporated b: of or relating to a corporation 2: of, relating to, or formed into a unified body of individuals 3: corporative 2 —— cor.po.rate.ly adv

