

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

98年4月section 1

【解题分析】many Russian composers和other composers构成对比,故上句为 contributed to emerging national style 简单理解为“支持新事物”,而下句为idiomatic Russian musical elements 简单理解为"传统的老的事物“,与上句对比,可以选c,d。第二空格是分隔结构,重复前文的”不反对老事物“,又由于它的宾语是”traditional musical vocabulary"故应该填“支持老事物”以重复前文,答案选d。请注意原文中的emerging ,idiomatic,traditimal的三次转换。

【重点词条】idiomatic 1: of, relating to, or conforming to idiom 2: peculiar to a particular group, individual, or style —— id.i.o.mat.i.cal.ly adv —— id.i.o.mat.ic.ness n

emerging 1: to become manifest 2: to rise from or as if from an enveloping fluid: come out into view 3: to rise from an obscure or inferior position or condition 4: to come into being through evolution

contribute 1: to give or supply in common with others 2: to supply (as an article) for a publication ~ vi 1 a: to give a part to a common fund or store b: to play a significant part in bringing about an end or result 2: to submit articles to a publication —— con.trib.u.tor n



【重点词条】obsess obsessus, pp. of obsidere to frequent, besiege, fr. ob- against + sedere to sit——more at ob-, sit] vt (1531): to haunt or excessively preoccupy the mind of ~ vi: to engage in obsessive thinking: become obsessed with an idea


【解题分析】providing是分隔结构,重复前文它的逻辑主语是objectively set standards 故可以理解为“客观的衡量标准为医生提供了一个”。请注意空格动词的宾语是unjustified malpractice.正好出现了“unjustified”这个objective的反义词。故问题迎刃而解,客观公正的标准当然反对不公正的指控,故选e。

【重点词条】claim 1 a: to ask for esp. as a right <~ed the inheritance> b: to call for: require c: take 16b 2: to take as the rightful owner 3 a: to assert in the face of possible contradiction: maintain <~ed that he'd been cheated> b: to claim to have c: to assert to be rightfully one's own <~ed responsibility for the attack>

safeguard 1 a: pass, safe-conduct b: convoy, escort 2 a: a precautionary measure, stipulation, or device b: a technical contrivance to prevent accident 2safeguard vt (15c) 1: to provide a safeguard for 2: to make safe: protect syn see defend


【解题分析】第二个空格的by 短语是一个常见的解题点,热情的听众永远热情,当然不会淡忘这部分作品,故可选a,c,e。后半句的比较结构实际上就在提示着评论家和观众是对立的,所以第一空格填评论家们的态度,当然应该填不好的态度,c正确。

【重点词条】acumen n [L acumin-, acumen, lit., point, fr. acuere] (ca. 1580): keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination esp. in practical matters: shrewdness syn see discernment

lukewarm 1: moderately warm: tepid 2: lacking conviction: halfhearted —— luke.warm.ly adv —— luke.warm.ness n

lackluster adj (1600): lacking in sheen, brilliance, or vitality: dull, mediocre —— lackluster n


【解题分析】having little in common是其后句子的句首状语,应该修饰谓语动词,故选d ,答案b错在和紧随其后的分隔相冲突。

【重点词条】embrase 1 a: to clasp in the arms: hug b: cherish, love 2: encircle, enclose 3 a: to take up esp. readily or gladly <~ a cause> b: to avail oneself of: welcome 4 a: to take in or include as a part, item, or element of a more inclusive whole b: to be equal or equivalent to ~ vi: to participate in an embrace syn see adopt, include —— embrace.able adj —— em.brace.ment n —— em.brac.er n —— em.brac.ing.ly adv 2embrace n (1592) 1: a close encircling with the arms and pressure to the bosom esp. as a sign of affection: hug 2: grip, encirclement 3: acceptance

