

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

96年10月section 2



第二个空格后第三个单词and是个小连接,and后的go about their business是“旁若无 人, 我行我素 ”的意思,所以and前应为同样的含义,答案b为disregard human observers, 即为旁若无人之意。


am.biv.a.lence n 1: simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and

repulsion) toward an object, person, or action 2 a: continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite) b: uncertainty as to which approach to follow —— am.biv.a.lent adj —— am.biv.a.lent.ly adv

in.hib.it vb. 1: to prohibit from doing something 2 a: to hold in check: restrain b: to discourage from free or spontaneous activity esp. through the operation of inner psychological impediments or of social controls ~ vi: to cause inhibition syn see forbid —— in.hib.i.tive adj —— in.hib.i.to.ry adj







Ambitious 1 a: having or controlled by ambition b: having a desire to achieve a particular goal: aspiring 2: resulting from, characterized by, or showing ambition —— am.bi.tious.ly adv —— am.bi.tious.ness n

Futile 1: serving no useful purpose: completely ineffective 2: occupied with trifles: frivolous —— fu.tile.ly adv —— fu.tile.ness n

syn futile, vain, fruitless mean producing no result. futile may connote completeness of failure or unwisdom of undertaking . vain usu. implies simple failure to achieve a desired result . fruitless comes close to vain but often suggests long and arduous effort or severe disappointment .

Authentic 1 obs: authoritative 2 a: worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact b: conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features c: made or done the same way as an original <~ Mexican fare> 3: not false or imitation: real, actual 4 a of a church mode: ranging upward from the keynote——compare plagal 1 b of a cadence: progressing from the dominant chord to the tonic——compare plagal 2 5: true to one's own personality, spirit, or character —— au.then.ti.cal.ly adv —— au.then.tic.i.ty n

syn authentic, genuine, bona fide mean being actually and exactly what is claimed. authentic implies being fully trustworthy as according with fact ; it can also stress painstaking or faithful imitation of an original . genuine implies actual character not counterfeited, imitated, or adulterated ; it also connotes definite origin from a source . bona fide implies good faith and sincerity of intention .





Remain 是主体词,该题是remain两种考法中的第二种,在remain前找一词填到其后即可,在其前面的四个单词many, of, her, followers中当然选followers. 此处只不过需要词性变化一下而已。与支持者followers最吻合的形容词是c的loyal.





分号上半句中很明显判断词free and introspective 是主体词,所以下半句转折就应针对free and introspective来进行。free的反义词为e的controlled. 解题时不必拘泥于introspective这个音乐专业词汇,既然introspective和free为并列的小连接,那么只需找free的反义词即可。事实上introspective的专业词意即为内心独白的,自由奔放的,即兴发挥的。需要强调的是b的exuberant也有类似的专业词义。


introspective : a reflective looking inward: an examination of one's own thoughts and feelings —— in.tro.spect vb —— in.tro.spec.tion.al adj —— in.tro.spec.tive adj —— in.tro.spec.tive.ly adv —— in.tro.spec.tive.ness n

