

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
As a prevalent proverb saying “ the mentality for pulchritude is applicable to any one”, from the time of primitive age, people have started to pick up some natural raw materials, most of which have chromatic colors or exotic configurations, to embellish their simple furniture, hunting tools, also the clothes people dress themselves, so on and so forth. The tradition has been handed down until today, but great difference has been appeared to the major use of decoration for appealing image, instead of the mainstream for beauty, it now turns to the recommendation to any other else under the circumstance of covering the real face behind the image, which is actually important than the former creativity.
It is not unfathomable that the ballooning civilization incites the residents of our community to behavior more and more graceful and decorous, which if reflects onto the side of ordinary life the appearance of a person together with his ornamentation is the predominant embodiment. To show respect to your friends the moment to display your polished civility, you should dress neatly, and prepare an elaborated wrapped gift to realize the goal mentioned above, thus taking the use of the creation of an appealing image. And the importance in personal relationship and communication is too ponderous to be neglected.
However, when we put so much attention on the process of constructing an attractive image, do we ever think about what takes major effect is just the object itself rather than the elaborated appearance? Take the merchandise for instance, the more dazzling the image is, the more the price it is, the difference between a wrapped one and an original one is paid on these seemly futile except for some silly placation individually. Everything should have a deserved value, which is regarded as the fundamental principle of the market operation, tells us that the price should as near as possible to adhere to the real value of the commodity consumers really intend to have instead of the illicit extortion by adopting some alluring tricks such as these meretricious skins. Hence, from the perspective of vast consumers, who care most is the actual quality of the things they want to purchase, the creation of appealing image aggravates the benefits belong to customers, meanwhile gives a disguising shield to help some profiteers to snatch extra bonus originally not merited.
Besides for these side effects it can produce, when applied to the mask of human nature, what is more important directly determines the destiny of humanistic mentality. A charismatic man only can rely on his wisdom and disposition to appeal others, in that any material things all cannot stand the erosion of time elapsing, while the intrinsic spirit cannot extinguish with the ascendance of ages, only altered with human's own intellectual quality. From the skit of “Hypocritical gentleman” we clearly learns that even if how perfect a man dissembles himself and how much approbation he at first win over from the public, ultimately falsehood will be penetrated and he still can go back nowhere but the initiative himself. Thereby, the lasting attractiveness stems from the unique face veiled under the cover of the superficial mask.
Overall, despite the beautiful appearance always can gamble the first-eyed excellent impression, either for things or for humans, no better ideas to be taken than to consider more about the decorum and quality of itself, only through this can we make out the real value needed for enamor and evaluation, which teaches us the virtue of sticking to truth, the most important things for ever. (577 words)

