(这里谈得好象都是secondary school教育的目的,非常精彩,但有些扯远了!) What is important is that secondary students develop and grow in the hands of the professionals. (最后一句才点了一下学生和老师的关系)
The secondary educational experience is designed to prepare a student for college. It is in collegeswheresthe individual learns to examine the world and how it works, and the individual's place in it.
As for duty, it is the educators' duty not simply to determine the curriculum, but to present it effectively. They cannot half-heartedly paint it on the blackboard, they must enliven it and actually teach. Hard work must be lauded, while freeloaders are punished. (教师的责任) These are the duties of teachers, and the duty of the students is not just to learn or study, but to grow. An independent mind is what students need, and that mind has to be in a position to want and be able to question beyond the material presented, not simply to question its legitimacy。
(学生的责任,不仅仅要质疑教学内容的合理性,更重要的是要敢于探索教学内容以外的新东西) That distinction,(是指质疑教学内容与探索新东西之间的区别吗?)
though subtle, is the difference between letting the students follow a self-destructive course of premature self-determination on the one hand , and permitting on the other hand the fostering of great talents through a cooperative, mentoring relationship最后一句话非常费解,作者的意思可能是说,学生对校方提供的课程内容的质疑(学生决定课程)其实是一种盲目的早熟,会毁了学生的前途,而鼓励学生的探索精神,独立精神则只能由老师、学生的通力合作才能达到,呼应了本文的开头,总结全文。
2,前半部分谈“学生决定课程”的弊端,实际是同意了提干的说法(It is the educators' duty to determine the curriculum and the students' duty to study what is presented to them)。虽然论证有力,文笔精彩。但我个人觉得这一部分作用不大。因为作者本身就不同意“学生决定课程”现象的存在,说明在作者眼里,这个问题并不重要,那为什么还要花这么大篇幅论述该现象的弊端?难道作者担心字数不够?