

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
appellation :: name; title
appurtenances :: subordinate possessions
aptitude :: fitness; talent
arbiter :: a person with power to decide a dispute; judge
arcade :: a covered passageway, usually lined with shops
archaeology :: study of artifacts and relics of early mankind
archetype :: prototype; primitive pattern
archipelago :: group of closely located islands
archives :: public records; place where public records are kept
ardor :: heat; passion; zeal
argot :: slang
arrogance :: haughtiness
arroyo :: gully
artifacts :: products of primitive culture
artifice :: deception; trickery
artisan :: a manually skilled worker
asceticism :: doctrine of self-denial
asperity :: sharpness of temper
aspersion :: slanderous remark
aspirant :: seeker after position or status
aspiration :: noble ambition
asteroid :: small planet
astigmatism :: eye defect which prevents proper focus
atavism :: resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents
atelier :: workshop; studio
atrocity :: brutal deed
atrophy :: wasting away
attribute :: essential quality
attrition :: gradual wearing down
audacity :: boldness
audit :: examination of accounts
augury :: omen; prophecy
aureole :: sun"s corona; halo
auscultation :: act of listening to the heart or lungs to discover abnormalities
austerity :: sternness; severity
autocrat :: monarch with supreme power
automaton :: mechanism which imitates actions of humans
autopsy :: examination of a dead body; postmortem
avarice :: greediness for wealth
avatar :: incarnation
avocation :: secondary or minor occupation
awe :: solemn wonder
axiom :: self-evident truth requiring no proof
bandanna :: large, bright-colored handkerchief
barb :: sharp projection from fishhook, etc.
barrage :: barrier laid down by artillery fire
barrister :: counselor-at-law

