

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
vent :: a small opening; outlet
verbiage :: pompous array of words
verdigris :: a green coating on copper which has been exposed to the weather
verity :: truth; reality
vertex :: summit
vertigo :: dizziness
vestige :: trace; remains
viand :: food
vicissitude :: change of fortune
victuals :: food
vigilance :: watchfulness
viper :: poisonous snake
virago :: shrew
virtuoso :: highly skilled artist
virus :: disease communicator
visage :: face; appearance
vivisection :: act of dissecting living animals
vogue :: popular fashion
volition :: act of making a conscious choice
votary :: follower of a cult
warranty :: guarantee; assurance by seller
wastrel :: profligate
welkin :: sky
whit :: smallest speck
whorl :: ring of leaves around stem; ring
witticism :: witty saying; facetious remark
wizardry :: sorcery; magic
wont :: custom; habitual procedure
wraith :: ghost; phantom of a living person
yeoman :: man owning small estate; middle-class farmer
yokel :: country bumpkin
zealot :: fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal
zenith :: point directly overhead in the sky; summit
zephyr :: gentle breeze; west wind

