

分类: IELTS雅思英语 
50. How do you think housing will change in the future?
I think the housing situation will see a growing number of private developers and more and more housing that is built up high. I think apartment buildings will get much higher and I think the basic facilities of most Chinese housing will improve. Public housing will probably be upgraded and more responsibility will be placed on the owners to keep the housing clean and well maintained. But I think there will also be a large challenge in the future for public housing to keep pace for the growing demands of the middle-class in China.
Making suggestions or offering solutions
51. What do you think needs to be done to help farmers have a happier life?
Either they should be allowed to have a son, or the government should provide some sort of pension for farmers. I've heard of pension plans where the government helps farmers to put away some money each year so that they will have money when they retire. In addition, if the government were to provide some money to retired farmers each month, this would ease the burden considerably. I also think that farmers should have better overall facilities and they should be managed under the control of the province, rather than locally because if they're run under the provinces, there might be better quality standards.
52. How do you think the unemployment problem can be solved?
 'Well, there is no' easy solution. I don't think the problem can be solved in the near future because there is a large number of laid off workers and not enough job opportunities. The government should try to create more job opportunities in the service sector industry, and on the other hand, laid off workers should put more effort into self-improvement in order to find better jobs. It might also help if the government actively promotes small businesses and inventors to get going with their ideas.
53. What do you think we should do to protect the environment?
I think the main challenge is to create a good staff to enforce the standards we have already set. The key thing about a good, clean environment is that the standards are enforced so that the laws have some teeth in them. J also think that its necessary to have good technical innovations so that the methods to do such things as water treatment can be developed. I also think it really takes a strong commitment by everyone to make sure that the environment is always the top priority in every new plan that is created
54. How do you think global warming can be prevented?
Well, there is no easy solution. As far as I know, global warming is caused by the Greenhouse Effect, which results from too much carbon dioxide in the air. I think the government should take measures to limit the number of private cars and make efforts to develop the public transportation system. Besides, we should try to replace fossil fuels with new, cleaner energy resources. Once we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, the temperatures will likely stabilize and we can then feel safer that the situation is under control.
55. How can we preserve our history best?
I think the best way to preserve our history is to make sure that we protect all the symbols of our history, and that means that we try to set aside enough room for our old buildings and old sections of town to flourish. I think it's important to make sure that we also try to provide some re-enactments of history in our films, books and TV shows and also, if possible, though our tourist areas. I think another very important way is by keeping good records of the events that take place and by getting a variety of interpretations of history.
56. What should we do to prepare for a good trip to China?
In my opinion the thing you should get ready is a good phrase book that you can use if you need to get things done. You need a basic level of expressions that will help you to make your trip easier. You also have to be aware of some of the things to be careful of For example, you need to beware of possible dangers and people who are trying to cheat you. You also should really try to understand the history of China because that will make some of the places that you're going to more interesting. For example, if you watch a film or read a good book on the Forbidden Palace it will be that much more interesting to you when you wander around it.

57. What measures should be taken to reduce crime?
Well, to start with I think we should try to find the root of the crime problem. I mean you can't just scare crime away very easily. Sometimes it's because the gangsters have managed to scare everyone from doing anything about the problem. Other times it's just simply an issue that there are too many people who live in hopeless poverty and they feel they have no other way to make a living. Then I think it's important to increase your enforcement skills and that means getting more policemen and police women and trying to give them the best resources to deal with their job. I think finally, that there must be a justice system that's fair and won't treat anyone better than any other person. Once all of these things are done I think crime will decrease significantly.
58. How can traffic problems be best solved?
I think the best way to solve this problem is by trying to widen our roads and build more flyovers at the exits. Shanghai has successfully done this and now experiences fewer problems as a result. I think also that we may have to encourage people to take public transportation lines more often or simply ride their bicycles more. One more thing that should be done is to build better smaller roads that connect the bigger roads. One big problem in bigger cities is that a lot of the connecting roads are often blocked and so everyone has to squeeze into some exit road to get from one area to another.
59. How can the tourism industry be improved?
I think the first thing to do is to make it illegal for tour operators to collect commissions from various shops or stores and to simply increase the salaries of the tour operators. The second thing that needs to be done is there needs to be more control over the vendors in the famous sites to make sure they don't harass visitors. It can be very unpleasant when people follow you everywhere to buy their things. Finally, I think that there should be more opportunities to do independent travelling by setting up more campsites and clean hostels, to accept the backpacking crowds.
60. How can education be reformed to meet the future challenges?
I think the best reforms should be in the area of post secondary education and I think it would be good to pour a lot of money into upgrading the facilities and attracting better university professors to work. I also think there should be more community colleges and smaller universities that accept people from all walks of life. One more thing is that I think there should be more opportunities for distance learning programs from various universities around the world so that many Chinese can get the benefit of an overseas education without traveling so far to other countries.

