

分类: IELTS雅思英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:45:13 
91. What kinds of possessions create high status in your country?
What kinds of possessions create high status? Boy that's tough to say, there are so many. You know, everyone is different and some people regard some things as being more important than others. I would say the biggest status possession is probably the car. You know if you drive one of those Santanas or Audis, it's a sign that you've made it. Also, of course, the flat itself is important too. If you live in a 3 bedroom or even a 4 bedroom flat that's private and up high, well... that's another sign you've made it.
92. Can you give me some examples of some negative effects of advertising?
Well I think these ridiculous advertisements that promise that you can improve your memory by taking a pill are a big scam. I mean they're really misleading and I think that these kinds of ads really need regulation. Another negative effect of advertisements is they try to associate happiness with the objects you buy. Can buying things make you happy? The problem with this way of thinking is, well, what happens when you get tired of the object? Then you have to buy more things.
93. In what ways do people usually make friends in your country?
What ways do people make friends? Well, all kinds of ways. I guess the most common way is by self-introduction. Maybe in your country you like to introduce yourself, but I guess we are a little more reserved and wait for an introduction. Other ways are as classmates. I think classmates are the most common form of friendships. You will find that these friends are more lasting than say colleagues from work.
94. What are the possible factors that cause friends to stop being friends?
I think it's usually jealousy. Often some friend gets jealous and then tries to do something harmful and the other friend find out and then the big trouble comes. I have seen this happen so often. Another big one is money. One friend borrows money and the other friend has a difficult time getting it back. Another one is just selfishness by one party, which is usually unintentional. For example, one friend keeps allowing the other to pay for his meals. He thinks his friend doesn't mind but actually he does.
95. What are some ways people like to travel in your country?
Well, even though I see a lot more people doing independent travelling, I would still say that tours are the most popular way of travelling. I guess we like to be with groups of people when we travel. Also, we are still a bit nervous to risk doing things by ourselves. Another popular way of travelling is by renting a car and driving to some place in a group. This gives you a bit more freedom but you have to be careful of the regulations.
96. What factors influence the way people dress?
Hmm, that's an interesting question. It's hard to say. I know weather would be one of the ways. I mean if it's snowing outside you're obviously not going to go out without a coat. But besides weather I think that clothes are basically chosen out of what self-image the person wants and what he or she feels is comfortable. You know women often choose clothing that people tell them suits them and also which seems to give off the best image for them.
97. What effects or benefits does learning an instrument have on people, especially children?
Well, I'm no expert on the subject and to tell you the truth I'm not really sure. I don't play an instrument so I have no personal experience to draw from. I suppose if I had to guess I'd say that learning an instrument sharpens your mind because I'm sure it's not that easy. I mean I know some people who'd practice for hours and so I think it must not be easy. I guess it must also make you more creative because now you know a way to put notes together.
98. What are the typical characteristics of a modern family?
Well, I've never thought about what makes a modem family. I suppose it's a family that gives each other a large degree of personal freedom. I mean when I think of a modem family I think of the father and mother both doing the work they want and both sharing the housework. Kids can also make choices about their careers and relationships. I also think that a modern family should be smaller and probably a little better off.
99. What are the main features of traditional architecture in your country?
Well I'm no expert on this topic. I've never really studied the architecture of my country. I guess the main features are the steep roofs and the curvy eaves, which are often decorated at the corners. Also a lot of traditional architecture is held up by pillars. We used to use a lot more wood in our architecture but now its a lot more cost effective to make things with brick or concrete. Also, windows are much smaller in traditional architecture, but many modern buildings are made completely with glass.
100. What are the various ways computers can be useful for our learning?
Well, it would be difficult to come up with a complete list since the number of ways might be unlimited! Well, I can think of one way where computers are helpful in my English. The other day I came across a pronunciation learning web site which gave very good explanations about where I should place my tongue and teeth and where a sound should originate. I think, also, that computers are good for allowing us to do drills and practice exercises because I find it embarrassing to do them in front of a teacher.
101. How has technology changed in China over the last few years?
Technology has really taken quite a big leap since the open door policy. More and more people are realizing the importance of technology and the good things it brings and the way it increases productivity and efficiency. People are now being trained to use technology in the work place. People are realizing that without technology, it'll be difficult to compete in this new global economy. The Internet is one example. More and more people are connected to the Internet at home or at work. It's become a part of many people's lives to get news, get in contact with people around the world and even receive our entertainment on the net. The amount of information it provides is incredible.
102. How have Chinese eating habits changed in the last 20 to 30 years?
Yes I think that eating habits have undergone some changes. Well, I think the ways our habits have changed are simply that we eat a lot more variety than before. We are more prosperous now and so we can order a lot of different dishes at restaurants. I also find that many people are learning to make dishes from different places. My mother for example, learned to cook Sichuan food, even though we are from the northeast of China. Another way it has changed is that young people are eating a lot more fast food, not just from the West but also Chinese style fast food. We just like the casual style of eating.
103. How has the environment changed?
Yes I think the environment has changed in a big way. The air has become worse and worse and the water has become more and more contaminated. Because of over-development the sandstorms have gotten worse, as well. However, I think some aspects have also improved. More and more parks are being created and there have been a number of successful tree planting projects.
104. How has tourism changed in China?
I think tourism has become very popular in China and is now big business. More and more people are taking an interest in travelling to China and so the revenue collected from tourism is becoming significant. This has meant that many cities have changed a lot to accommodate more tourists. Take Xi' an, as an example. Tourism has become one of the major industries there and so a lot of shops now carry souvenirs as well as other things.
105.What are the differences between entertainment media, such as TV and movies in the past and now?
Huge differences! I mean in the past everything we heard was directed from just a few sources and now there is a lot more diversity. Our movies now come from all over and directors now have a lot more freedom to choose the themes that interest them. Also, there's a lot more English in the films and on TV these days. In fact there are now even a lot of English only programs.
106. How have families changed? What's the difference between families now and in the past?
Families have changed in some very significant ways over the last 10 or 20 years. For one thing they are a lot smaller than they used to be with the implementation of the one-child policy. Also, the roles of fathers, mothers and children have changed. It used to be that the father was the all-powerful figure and now I think it's the child. Since there is only one child now you can say that the child is now the new emperor in many families. Also, a lot more mothers are now working full time and many of then are earning more than their husbands.
107. How have buildings and construction changed in the last 20 years in China?
Well architecture is, of course, no longer relying so much on brick and a lot of the new buildings are using different materials. Basically you can say that buildings are getting higher and they are looking cleaner and shinier than ever before. But in my view, I think the construction standards are getting worse and worse. I think too many developers are trying to rush projects and are cutting corners along the way. If this problem continues you're going to see more and more cases being brought to court.
108. What are the differences between hobbies today and hobbies in the past?
Well I think that hobbies in the past were simpler and usually didn't involve much more than a person's own skills at things. Since many of us weren't as well off as we are now, I guess you could say that we had to be careful about not spending too much on our hobby. These days I see people spending a fortune on their various hobbies, so I think that has been the biggest difference.
109. How has transportation changed in the last 20 years?
Transportation hasn't changed that much I don't think, except that there is just so much more of it. I mean, look at the number of cars on the roads - it's almost quadrupled since the eighties. There is a lot more public transportation and some of the buses are much cleaner and more modem than they used to be. Also, the subway system covers more places. But in my opinion, the changes in public transportation haven't kept pace with the growth of cars and that's a serious challenge for our cities.
110. How has clothing changed in the last 20 years?
Clothing has changed quite a bit since then. I mean 20 years ago we had just come out of the open door policy and so many people were beginning to test out new styles of clothing. In those days perhaps you could say that fashionable clothing like that seen in Europe was a bit adventurous. Now it's very common. It seems everyone these days is wearing brand clothing these days. Another thing that's quite interesting is that a lot of traditional clothing that many people thought was so 014-fashioned and useless a few years ago is now becoming fashionable again. I seems we are beginning to take a new interest in our traditional dress sty le and combine it with the styles of today.
111. What's the difference between Western and Chinese culture?
Well, I wouldn't call myself an expert on Western culture. In fact I know very little about it, but my guess is that Chinese culture is based on Confucianism while Western culture is more based on individual liberalism. This means that we have more acceptance of authority and are more likely to accept conditions and try to find more subtle ways to change things. I think Western culture emphasizes the benefits of conflict to change things. I also think that Chinese culture places a lot of importance on the family and respect for the elders. Well, Western culture does too but it seems that this importance is a preoccupation with Chinese.
112. What's the difference between the way children and adults make friends?
The main difference is that children start their friendships very accidentally and they don't really have to make so many gestures in words. Adults try to use the power of their words and their conversation to secure friendship. Children, on the other hand, just start sharing things or playing together, and instantly, if they enjoy being together, they continue the friendship. Also, children more quickly forgive their friends for the things they do wrong to each other but I think adults take matters more seriously.
113. Can you compare different types of transportation in your hometown?
Well in my hometown it's a bit hard to get around on a bicycle. I mean, it's certainly cheaper but it's also a bit tiring going up all these hills. A taxi is convenient and there's no problem in my hometown 'finding one, but they can get a bit expensive if you take them everyday. A bus is probably the best option of it's. not rush hour, but if it's a busy time you had better expect to squeeze in. I think subways are the best but the problem is that they don't go everywhere. I guess a car is the most convenient, except when you get stuck in some traffic jam. Also, cars just add to our pollution problems.
114. Compare the difference between middle school and university life.
Well, middle school life is quite structured, and so all you really need to worry about are your grades and your friends. Your classmates are people you see everyday and your teachers are always on you about your behaviour. There's a lot of stress about your exams and I'd say that learning is rather forced. With a university life you have to structure your life more on your own and you are responsible for your own behaviour. The big challenge in university is not so much on getting good grade, but getting along with all your roommates in the dormitory.
115. Compare traditional food and fast food.
Well traditional food I guess just means that the dishes are served on separate plates and people share the same plate and usually add it to their rice. Fast food means you generally go up to the counter to order it and you bring it back to your table. The food is usually something simple and informal. You can also eat much of it with your fingers and you can be about as casual as you want to be.
116. What are the main differences between flats and traditional houses in China?
Well, the main differences are in the facilities. In a flat you have all of your facilities in working order and you don't really need to share much with other residents except maybe the playground if you have kids. With a traditional home, a lot of the facilities like telephones and water are shared. Flats are also centrally heated, while traditional homes mayor may not be heated at all. Traditional homes are usually made of brick and they are not often more than one floor high, whole flats can go up to 12 floors. Traditional homes are quite neighbourly, since you share so much with each other, and many people complain that flats encourage people to just keep to themselves and ignore their neighbours.
117. Compare hobbies of Chinese with hobbies of Western people.
That's an interesting question. It's a bit hard for me to say, since I've never been to a Western country, but I guess that the hobbies there probably involve more collecting things, especially collecting older things. I know a lot of Westerners like to collect stamps or antiques. I think Chinese are more interested in mastering certain skills like calligraphy or the right way to pour tea. Chinese probably like keeping their hobbies to themselves while Westerners like joining clubs and stuff.
118. How do the younger and older generation in China differ?
Well you see many of the older generation came from more difficult circumstances, and they had a harder life. So they often think that we just do things without thinking about it. I often hear my father complaining that there are too many rude youngsters around who show no regard for money and don't treat the elderly with any respect. The elderly are usually more cautious and slower to accept new ideas. The younger generation is quick to adopt new things like the Internet and we tend to accept fads. We dress, take guided tours and even eat differently and we .think that the older generation should respect our points of views more often.

119. Compare Western and Chinese art.
This is a topic I know practically nothing about. I'm not really that keen on art. I suppose it's nice to look at, but I won't waste much time or money on it. But I guess the differences are just that Western art usually seems to be disguising some hidden meaning and it focuses more on the texture of its art and the details. Chinese art is meant to have more rhythm and perfect strokes and simplicity is more important than whether the art contains some symbolism or not.
120. What are the differences between objects you make yourself and objects you buy?
Well, of course objects you make are cheaper! Seriously though, I think that objects you make are more meaningful because they've come out of your labour and your care. On the other hand, objects you buy are probably done more professionally and they certainly save you a lot of hard work. Personally, I prefer things I make unless I have no talent at it.
Advantages and Disadvantages
121. What are the advantages and disadvantages of space research?
Well, the advantages are certainly that it's interesting, and it feeds our knowledge about our world. I mean, we need to know things. Also, it can also be turned into a commercial enterprise. For example many countries now sell satellites for commercial purposes and that couldn't have been achieved without some space research. The disadvantages are, of course, money. Its expensive, and you get a lot of people complaining that the money could be used for better purposes. I agree with this argument somewhat but I think the problem is that we need to research things in space or otherwise we may one day face a disaster like an incoming asteroid that we can do nothing about.
122. What is the advantage and disadvantage of watching a sports game on TV compared to watching it live (in a stadium)?
Well watching a game on TV has several strengths. For example, you can hear the commentary and you can see the action repeated again. You are given more knowledge about the game and things are not so noisy for you. You also have the freedom to eat want you want for free and get up and do something else. The seats are more comfortable, and the volume is yours to control. But there is one main disadvantage that is hard to deny. You cannot capture the feeling and excitement of watching something live. Also you cannot share your joy with other fans at the time that it's happening.
123. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a part time job while at school overseas?
Well the main advantage of having a part time job is that it eases the financial burden on your parents. You are able to have a little pocket money without having to go to your partner all the time. Another advantage is that you can generally improve your English a lot if you can work part time overseas. You're working with your colleagues and they can communicate with you daily.
The main disadvantage is that it's tiring and the time you spent could be spent getting good grades. Also, overseas part time work is usually not very well payed so the added pocket money may not really be worth it.
124. What are the advantages and disadvantages of public transportation?
The main advantage of using public transportation is that it's cheap and generally much better for the environment, because you are only using one vehicle instead of many. Especially if your buses run on clean air, you can reduce a lot of emissions. Another advantage of public transportation is that it reduces traffic jams. I think public transportation is less stressful because you don't have to worry about parking and all that kind of thing. The big disadvantage of public transportation is the wait. It's much more convenient to just jump in your car and take off. Also, you have to follow a route and you have no flexibility with public transportation. Sometimes it can be very uncomfortable, especially during rush hours.
125. What is the advantage of getting your news from the newspaper?
 I like knowing what's going on, so newspapers are a good way for me to know what's happening.
I can't say that I completely believe everything that I read in the newspapers, but I do find them very interesting and entertaining. I'm kind of an information junkie, so I just like to know current things. Because before a newspaper is printed, the editor will check through the articles and the sources where the news derived, it's often more reliable. In TV news, the news broadcaster may say something he or she thinks is right. So I feel newspaper is more reliable.
126. What are the good things and bad things about Western food?
Well, I'm afraid you're asking the wrong person because I rarely eat Western food. I'll just make a few guesses then. Let me see... well, perhaps the good thing about it is that there might not be as much oil since a lot of the food is baked and boiled. I think the other good thing is that the hamburgers are quite delicious some times. Well the bad things I think are many. I think the food is tasteless, at least a lot of the food I've tried. Also, I think with the hamburgers, it's quite bad for you and the fat content is quite high. That's about all I really know about Western food.
127. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving projects in school instead of exams?
Well you know, probably every teacher has weighed the advantages and disadvantages of them. I think the main advantage is that they encourage students to do their own thinking and in the process they take pride in what they create. They also gain more practical knowledge. The problems are mainly related to time. It takes a lot of time not only for a student to do such a project but also to grade it. Also, how do you grade something like that? To grade something it's hard to be objective.

128. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a traditional family?
Well, my family's quite traditional so I guess I can tell you a bit about this. It's difficult to say what the advantages of a traditional family are. I guess the main thing is that things are probably more stable and everyone knows their role. In my family, for example, we don't really question my father's authority. It's also cheaper for us because you do everything together as a family. The disadvantages are that you have less freedom to do the things you really want. I mean, it seems that my parents are always questioning my decisions.
129. What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading books for entertainment compared with watching TV or films?
Ok, just let me think... Well, I think the main advantage of reading books is that they do a lot for your imagination. It is more challenging and you have to work harder to gain your knowledge. TV is less challenging and doesn't make you think as much. But the main disadvantage is that books just take too much time to get through. TV is more convenient and time efficient and that's why I think so many people like it.
130. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large city?
I think the main advantages of living in a small city is that you feel closer to the people around you and so your social life is more secure. You have more chances to enjoy nature and the air is much fresher. The disadvantages are the lack of career opportunities and the facilities are generally not as good. Life in a small city may have fresher air and vegetables but it's hard to think about all that when you're worried about sending your kids to a good school.

