

分类: IELTS雅思英语 

4. I have discovered,as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress,that abandoning the doctrine of juggling your life,and making the alternative move into downshifting brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status.
要点 本句中as perhaps Kelsey will……引导的方式状语从句放到了主句的谓语动词discovered与that引导的宾语从句之间,从而造成动宾之间的分割。as引导的从句中省略了谓语动词discover,是为了避免重复。宾语从句中主语为abandoning……and making……并列的动名词短语;谓语为bring sth with sth结构,只是因宾语过长,而把with短语提前了。
译文 我发觉,放弃那种“日夜操劳的生活”信念而选择“放慢生活的节奏”会带来比金钱和社会地位更大的回报。凯尔西在长期经受巨大压力后,从惹人注目的《女性》杂志编辑部退出之后,恐怕她也将与我有同样的感觉。

5. Such an outcome,if it happens,could cause a political controversy;or it could lead to more power being transferred to the EU in the worst possible circumstances,namely when the Union is deeply unpopular.
要点 这是个复合句。条件从句因为太短,置于主句的主谓之间,造成句子割裂,翻译时应将从句提到句首。namely when the……unpopular是一个状语从句,用来解释the worst possible circumstances.the EU:the European Union,欧盟。
译文 这种结果一旦产生,就可能引起政治上的争吵;在最糟糕的情况下,即在欧盟很不得人心的时候,也可能使更多的权利落到欧盟手中。

6. That fact,let alone the current division between the 11 euro countries and the four,led by Britain,that have not joined,is likely to mean that the Union should become a multi-system entity,with some countries signing up to everything and others choosing only some things.
要点 句子的主干结构是That fact…… is likely to mean that……。with some countries signing up to everything and others choosing only some things是“with +复合结构”形式,表示伴随状态。短语let alone……not joined置于主谓之间,造成句子割裂,翻译时应将其还原,放在最后。分词短语led by Britain和定语从句that have not joined都修饰the four.euro:欧元。multi-:前缀,表示“多…的”,如mutilateral,多边的:multiple,多个的。
译文 这一事实可能意味着欧盟将成为一个多体系的实体,其中一些国家对每一件事都表示赞同,而另一些则不尽然;更不用说以英国为首的尚未加入欧洲统一货币体系的四国和已经 加入这一体系的十一个欧元国家之间目前已存在的分歧了。

7. This trend began during the Second World War,when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.
要点 该句的主干结构是This trend began during the Second World War,when……。when引导定语从句,修饰the Second World War.that the specific……detail是conclusion的同位语从句,在该从句中,主语是 the specific demands of its scientific establishment,that a government wants to make是 demands的定语从句。该定语从句放在其先行词 demands和of介词短语之间,造成句子的割裂。翻译时,可把被割裂的部分还原。
译文 这种趋势始于第二次世界大战期间,当时一些国家的政府得出这样的结论:政府要向科研机构提出的具体要求通常是无法详尽预见的。

8. Observations were made of the children at the beginning and at the end of preschool and first grade.
要点 整个of短语作observations的定语,相当于Observations of the children at the beginning and at the end of preschool and first grade were made.因为定语太长,所以将其置于动词之后,以避免句子头重脚轻。这样就造成了句子的割裂,翻译时应将被割裂的部分还原。preschool:学前的。
译文 人们对孩子们在学前班和小学一年级开始时和结束时的情况都曾进行过观察。

9. Whether to use tests,other kinds of information,or both in a particular situation depends,therefore,upon the evidence from experience concerning comparative validity and upon such factors as cost and availability.
要点 这是一个简单句。Whether to……situation是本句的主语,depends是谓语动词,两个upon后面是宾语。availability在句中是指“测试和信息容易得到或找到”。therefore是副词,插在depends 和upon……之间,造成它们在结构上的割裂。翻译时,可把therefore提到句首。
译文 因此,究竟是采用测试还是其他种类的信息,或是在某一特定情况下两者并用,须凭从有关相对效度的经验中得出的证据而定,也取决于诸如费用和有无采用的可能性等因素。

10. I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of having it all,preached by Linda Kelsey for the past seven years in the page of She magazine,into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything.
要点 该句的主干结构是I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of having it all……into a woman……。preached by……magazine是过去分词短语,作the philosophy of having it all的定语,插在from……into之中,造成了句子的割裂。翻译时,可把分词短语译成一个分句,其他照原文顺序翻译。
译文 我从一个“全力以赴”的生活哲学——在过去七年里林达·凯尔西一直在《女性》杂志鼓吹这种生活方式——的积极倡导者,一改而成为随遇而安的女人。

