

分类: IELTS雅思英语 


PE is an aspect of school being about more than just book learning – it is about educating the whole person, a holistic education that betters us in an all-round sense, rather than a merely academic experience.



Killing whales for human use is morally wrong.

Modern whaling is humane, especially compared to the factory farming of animals like chickens, cow and pigs, (themselves a relatively intelligent and social species).


Traditional hunting methods are often particularly cruel.

Overall, however, the essential point is that it is morally wrong to kill animals for pleasure and no amount of economic benefits can make that right.


We need to make sure that the millions of animals who are used for testing new products are treated with the minimum of suffering. Although some animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures as mercifully as possible will demonstrate our humanity.

Those against the use of animal testing claim that it is inhumane to use animals in experiments. I disagree completely. It would be much more inhumane to test new drugs on children or adults.


Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible.



Many scientific and cultural programs are shown on television, which give new educational opportunities for our society.


Zoos nowadays are not marketed as places of entertainment - they are places of education.


Free and cheap access to the arts is crucial for education.


By executing criminals you are ruling out the possibility of rehabilitation.

Some criminals are beyond rehabilitation;


This could be done by a process of education that points out the way a small family can mean an improved quality of life for the family members, as well as less strain on the country's, perhaps very limited, resources.


If learning responsibilities and work experience are considered to be important, then children can acquire these by having light, part-time jobs or even doing tasks such as helping their parents around the family home, which are unpaid, but undoubtedly of value in children's development.


If they cannot play make-believe games, how can they develop their imagination? How can they learn physical co-ordination or learn important social lessons about winning and losing if they do not practice any sports?

