

分类: IELTS雅思英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:43:47 

While the 21st century saw the fast economic development and the deep social revolution, it also witnessed the accumulating environment pollution.  Undeniably, the environment problem is expanding worldwide, and eventually became the problem of human beings. Therefore it is no longer possible for a single country or even single individual to solve such a huge problem, but necessary to ask the whole world to be united as the environment-protecting power.
The reasons of worldwide protection are based on the recognition that most environment problems are not restricted to a small area, but have become common all over the world, and that one country’s polluting behavior would probably lead to a global pollution. That is what happens in the case of global warming. The Greenhouse effect is not due to a single country’s mistake, but is highly related to every industrialized country, and those who produced a lot of carbon dioxide. Since the problem is global, it asks for the global reaction to protect our plant. No single country can dominate the environment problem, and no single country can escape from the responsibility of environment protection. In order to cope with global environment problems such as Global warming, countries all over world have reached an agreement on the restriction of greenhouse gas releasing. Moreover, global union can protect the environment more effectively than individual do.
However, some people still think that Individual countries and people should do more to control the environment problem. Individuals are the source of the pollution and also the closest ones to the pollution, which means they have more priorities and more convenience to recover the damaged environment. I agree that individuals can do a lot to prevent the regeneration of similar pollution and can effectively protect the environment in small scale. But when we consider that the environment problem is spreading worldwide, it must be our globally united environment force that can effectively and completely solve the problems.
All things considered, I believe International cooperation would be the best solution of environment problems. For one thing, the formation of global awareness can help the prevention of environment problem. For the other thing, the global efforts on a specific environment problem can provide a optimal solution.
5.       Millions of dollars are spent on space research, this is a waste of money .some argue that money should be used to improve conditions of people .to what extent do you agree or disagree?

6.       Many people think public libraries should only provide books and shouldn't waste their limited money on expensive hi-tech media, such software dvd or vedio.
In recent 10 years, with the advent of IT ear, the role of library has changed a a lot. It is no longer stricted to the traditional function of lending books, but become a synthesis of educational functions. Some people insist a library should maintain its original function and resist hi-tech materials,while other think that a library should keep in pace with modern technology.
Admittedly, books are the main recourses of a library, and helping people reading is the main function of a library. But the 21st century changed the traditional definition of "book". It is not only related to the printed materials, but also expands to a wider range, covering visual, audio publications, e-books, essay data bases, and websites recourses. In such an occasion, libraries have to reform its old functions, and induce new functions. Once a library become modern, it would have the ability to display all educational recourses to the public. Otherwise, it might fade out from our horizon and even become a museum. Moreover, it is the public's demand that dominates the reformation of a library. Nowadays, people ask more. They are no longer satisfied with a simple function in a library, and on the contrast, they would like to enjoy a cup of coffee as well. Therefore, libraries have to add  cafe, internet bar and video room to its original design. Overall, the money spent on the relatively expensive hi-tech media would arm a library and make it more educational, as well as attractive. What it invests would definitely result in a huge return.
On the other hand, some people who assert the modernization of a library is meaningless think suggest that more money be used in enhancing book capacities. To begin with, they think that a library's main function is to provide books, rather than hi-tech media. Moreover, the expensive but useless hi-tech materials would take up a large proportion of a library's budget, thus result in a waste. But actually, a lot of hi-tech materials are well welcomed by readers.
All things considered, i have reasons to believe that developing hi-tech media in a library is a right choice. A library should allocate a certain part of money on updating hi-tech materials, as well as books.

7.       Some people say that the increasing business and culture contract between countries has the positive effect, others say it would loss the countries identities, agree or disagree.
8.       Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh the negative effects?
9.       University should teach students knowledge and skills helping for the future career. Agree or disagree?
10.   Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve traffic and pollution. What extend do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think more effective?
11.   People believes those who move to a new country should accept the new culture as their own, rather than becoming a special minority group with own value and lifestyle. To what extent you agree or disagree with.
12.   收入与社会福利问题。

