

分类: IELTS雅思英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:43:46 


一、People Topics

Appearance → Personality      → Influence: values价值观 e.g.: honest…


1、  Appearance:

⑴ Age: over 70 years old, middle age, in her 20’s.

She looks younger than her age.

She looks fantastic for her age.

⑵ Height: fairly tall, medium height.

He’s of medium height.

He’s of average height.

⑶ Figure: overweight, heavyset (for men only), slim, in good shape, clean-shaven (for men only).

He always gives the impression of being someone who is very efficient and pretty professional/smart.

He has a pleasant face and gives the impression of being someone who is very friendly.

⑷ Hair: perm v. /n., thin v. /n. (His hair is thinning.), gray hair…

beard, moustache…

2、  Personality

⑴ Family members: understanding, supportive, respect your parents, respect each other’s privacy, kind…

⑵ Famous person/star: creative, sensitivity, attractive, original, unique style, nice personality, fighting spirit, courage, committed, devoted, a sense of justice, a sense of integrity, brave/tough, a sense of social responsibility/equality/justice…


She’s the most kind-hearted/warm-hearted and sweetest person I have ever met/seen/known.


She’s always full of passion/enthusiasm, love and concern about /for people around her.

3、  Influence:

Values: honesty, charity, dedication, optimistic…

      Honest is the best policy.

Card 1 : 老人题  Old Person

1.      Introduction 1-2句话 : I ‘d like to talk about my grandfather, who used to be a worker in a company.

2.      Appearance描述3-5句话

3.      Personality描述3-5句话:①最高级句型 ②排比句型 ③ quality

4.      Influence: respect n., n. & n.

Keep the family together. He/She is just like the glue(women)/Rock(men)/light(启蒙).

* 要做到:

Emotional involvement

Personal touch


Card2 : 名人题  Famous Person

Take Yaoming for an example

1.      Introduction : The famous person I want to talk about is Yaoming, who is a very famous and successful basketball player. Now he lives in Houston, but his hometown is Shanghai, China.

2.      Appearance : He’s famous for his height. He’s very tall and strong.

He’s not exactly/actually the handsome type, but he has very nice personalities.

His status in NBA is central. He’s talented and hard working. / He works very hard and has talented skills.

He also behave very modesty and calmly before the public.

He shows the perseverance before succeed.

He’s my role model/hero. He teaches me to be more confident.

He becomes a faith that I believe in.

Card 3 : 小孩题 Child  nephew/niece

1.      Introduction : The child I want to talk about is my 8-year old nephew/niece who is in the kindergarten/primary school now.

2.      Appearance : cute, has curly hair, pleasant face…

3.      Personality : curious/curiosity, rebellious, love of nature…

4.      Hobby : role-play, teddy bear, cartoons, watching TV

5.      Stress : They’re also experiencing stress and pressure from parents, teachers and peers, sometimes even from the Mass Media.

New Card : the Happiest Person

Who is he/she?

Why is he/she the happiest person?

How do you feel about he/she?

Help others, faith, fighting spirit, love, optimistic/optimism

Stand up to the challenges.

Laugh at life.

Hobby : He/She’s always telling jokes, singing, smiling.

He can get great satisfaction out of life.

He’s always ready to help others.

