

分类: IELTS雅思英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:43:41 
笔者案:新年虽未到来,但2006的整体雅思走势已基本明朗了。2006年初,笔者曾撰写过一篇短文,标题为《从题目要求改革看2006年作文走势与复习策略》,本文在过去的一年当中频繁的出现于国内外各个专业论坛上,阅读者达到数万人。笔者才疏学浅,撰文浅薄,能得到如此关注,实感汗颜。若这篇小文能够对大家的雅思备考起到一点帮助作用,笔者实感欣慰。综观2006年的雅思写作,笔者总结了如下两个特征:题目规律、难度略升。           第一部分:题目规律与重点总结首先,从题目上来说,2006年的雅思主流写作体裁为优劣类(34%)、同意(32%)与不同意类及讨论类(18%),其它类别分摊了其余的16%(因果类、解决方法类、综合类等)。其次,从内容上来说,2006年度的主考内容为社会类(50%)与文化教育类(31%),往年的高频题材科技类与家庭类在今年则明显处于下风。众所周知的是,2006年是雅思的改革之年,它意味着新一轮测试周期的开始。从上面的变化我们可以看到,雅思主考单位(UCLES、BC以及IDP)将其写作测试目标放到了与公众生活最为密切的社会话题以及与留学生最为密切的文化教育类上来了,这与雅思改革“贴近实用”的目标是相符合的。在2007年当中,出题特征仍然会围绕着这个目标。因此,社会类与文化类下的三类主流体裁必然是大家的复习要点。基于此分析,展望2007,如下的作文题目应该作为主要的练习重点:社会类:道德角度:It seems that the level of public morality is decreasing. Discuss the possible causes and results of this phenomenon. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.心理角度:More people claim that they are shouldering heavier mental stress. Discuss the possible causes of this situation and give your suggestions.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.援助角度:Government should take the sole responsibility to help the poor.To what extent do you agree or disagree.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.生活角度:The dieting habits of the public are changing now.Discuss the possible reasons of this situation.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.设施角度:Public transportations are superior to private ones in many ways.Discuss the advantages of public transportation and the possible ways to promote it.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.青年角度:Ever-increasing numbers of teenagers are now committing suicide.Discuss the possible reasons of this situation and what kinds of assistances should be given.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.就业角度:Most of the organizations have their own requirements for the minimum qualifications of candidates. And someone suggests that this is a kind of discrimination.Do you agree or disagree and present your own idea.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

