

分类: IELTS雅思英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:42:16 
Leaving aside the issue whether there is the possibility of creating a new global language, learning and mastering any one of the existing languages is nothing easy at all. 
We start to learn English from primary school, but even after we have graduated from college, most of us are still unable to speak it. What does this situation suggest to us? 
This shows fully convincingly that mastering a language is nothing easy at all. It needs the right environment for leaning it and requires years of accumulation. 
Today, it is estimated that there are about 6,000 languages spoken in the world. However, many of these languages are spoken by an increasingly small number of speakers. 
Nearly half of the languages spoken in the world are considered endangered. One of the principal causes of this is the rise of English as a global language. 
English is increasingly the language of international entertainment as well as technology, especially information technology, for 75% of all internet websites are in English. 
English is a “killer language” that is forcing out the use of smaller languages. 
It’s true that languages are disappearing at an increasingly rapid rate, which is undoubtedly tragic, but it’s entirely unfair to put all the blame on the English language. 
As a regional language, English has indeed caused the disappearance of many other smaller languages, but we should bear in mind that English is only one of the 10 or so regional languages. 
I believe that rather than creating a new global language, we should encourage more and more people to study English well, which might be the most practical way of doing things.
Compared with learning one’s own mother tongue, the process of learning any one foreign language well seems to be especially hard and long. 
The best way to learn a foreign language is to go work or study for a few years in a country where this foreign language is the mother tongue of the people there.

