

分类: IELTS雅思英语 
示例1:I sat beside her. I felt very nervous .
可变为:Sitting beside her, I felt very nervous.
或者:I sat beside her, feeling very nervous.
示例2:I want to quit smoking. I eat candies. 
可变为:To quit smoking, I eat candies.
示例3:A young man was tired of sleeping on the floor. He saved up for years to buy a real bed.
可以变为:Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man saved up for years to buy a real bed.
示例4:Jimmy was dressed up as Father Christmas. He was accompanied by a guard of honor of six pretty girls. He set off down the main street of the city. He rode a baby elephant. The elephant was called Jumbo. 
可以变为:Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a guard of honor of six pretty girls, Jimmy set off down the main street of the city, riding a baby elephant called Jumbo.
This is the only book.
I read the book during the holiday. 
两句的重合点在the book上面;将第二句中的the book抽出来,放到第一句book后面,其它内容向后甩。这样,我们就会看到the only book后面马上又在重复the book。为了避免重复,我们去掉the book,而换用另外一个词去替换,这个词就是定语从句中指物的which或that。因为这里的book有only在修饰,所以,最终我们选用that;又因为that在定语从句中作宾语,所以,可以省略。这样,两句就合并为:
This is the only book (that) I read during the holiday.
She is the girl.
The girl’s father is my boss. 
èShe is the girl the girl’s father is my bossè
She is the girl who (’s) father is my boss.
èShe is the girl whose father is my boss.

