
雅思词汇 Gold Digger

分类: IELTS雅思英语 

1. get one’s goat

释义:To annoy or anger one.(惹人发怒)

e.g. I have seen it get some people's goat to be told that their color was good and their pulse even.


e.g. She got my goat when telling me that drivers' honking is justified because it protects people. They care about people's safety!


e.g. He got everyone's goat by starting a conversation everyday with one topic. That is complaining about his low salary, life is so uninteresting, everything is not right!


e.g. It really gets my goat when people don't cover their mouths when they sneeze.


2. gold digger

释义:A person who only pursues romantic relationships with wealthy partners for financial gain. (一个只为了经济利益而与富有的伴侣追求浪漫关系的人,以美色骗取男人钱财的女人,为金钱而结婚的女人)

e.g. Scott's friends warned him that Tracy was a gold digger and was only interested in marrying him for his money.


e.g. In three years Pam has been engaged four times, she does it so that the boyfriends give her money and presents. She is a gold digger.


e.g. Pam isn't interested in your money instead of your personality. You had better not have any cotact with her because she is a gold digger! .


3. good wine needs no brush

释义:An item of good quality needs no advertisement. (酒香不怕巷子深,质量好的商品不需要广告)

e.g. The product I've invented is so excellent that it needs no ad campaign, just as good wine needs no bush.


e.g. A: Mrs. Smith’s daughter is so beautiful that she is chozen as an actress when shopping in a mall with her mother.


B: Just as the old saying goes, “Good wine needs no brush.”


