

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:39:49 

Unit 21

orientation n.适应(环境);指导 [app

orifice n.口;孔;洞 [F

orison n.祈祷 [ME

ornate a.装饰华丽的 [ME

orotund a.宏亮的;夸张的 [L ore rotundo with rounded mouth]

orphan n.a.v.孤儿;使成孤儿

oscillate v.游移不定;踌躇 [L oscillare oscillat- swing]

ossify v.骨化 [F ossifier

ostensible a.表面的;假装的 [F

ostracize v.摒弃;排斥 [Gk ostrakizo

otiose a.无效的;多余的 [L otiosus

outbid v.出高于...的价钱

outgoing a.外出的;出发的

outlandish a.古怪的 [OE utlendisc

outrage n.v.粗暴;暴力;伤害 [ME

ovation n.热烈欢迎;鼓掌;大受欢迎 [L ovatio

overhaul v.分解检查;精细检查 [orig Naut, = release(rope-tackle)by slackening slacken 放松]

overlap v.重复

overshadow v.遮阴;使失色;胜过 [E ofersceadwian(OVER-, SHADOW)]

overweening a.过分的;自负的

overwhelm v.淹没;受打击

overwrought a.过度紧张 [overwork的过去式过去分词]

ovine a.绵羊的;似绵羊的 [LL ovinus

pacifist n.非战主义者

paean n.赞美歌;欢乐歌 [L

pagan n.异教徒 [ME

pageant n.盛会;游行;露天历史剧 [ME pagyn, the ~ of historical events 一连串引人注目的历史事件(

pal n.伙伴;共犯 [Romany = brother, mate, ult

palatable a.怡人的;味美的 [palate上颚;味觉;趣味,嗜好ME

