

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:39:40 
be credited to... 归功于...
be dedicated to 从事于;致力于
be derived from 来自
be directed against 指向...
be distinguished for 因...而著称
be dotted with 点缀着
be dramatized by 通过...得到形象地说明
be exposed to 处于...的作用下;使曝光
be filled with 装满
be friendly with 对...友好
be heavily forested 森林茂密的
be held in particularly high 非常受器重
be held in position 使...处于适当位置
be honored with 被授予
be in domestic service当佣人
be in the hands of 出自...的手
be left for dead 被认为已死给撇下不管(意指无法解的难题)
be limited to 局限于
be located on 位于;坐落在
be obliged to 被迫做
be of prime importance极其重要
be patterned on 以...为模式
be paved with 铺满,遍布
be preferable to 比...更好
be put in chains 被囚禁
be recognized as 被认为是...
be related to 与...有关
be reported as 报道称之为
be resistant to 对...有抵抗作用
be restricted to 局限于
be secreted from 从...分泌出来
be short of 不及;少于;缺少
be substituted for 替代
be taken by 被...吸引
be the case 情况属实
be the rage 极为流行之物;风靡一时
be the rule 普通情况;惯常的事
be tired of 厌倦
be traced to 追溯到
be viewed as 被看作是
become (get) involved介入
before long 不久以后
begin with the idea that最初的想法是
behind the lines 在后方
belt buckle 皮带搭扣
Bessemer converter 酸性转炉(旧称贝氏转炉)
Bill of Rights 《人权法案》
billions of 亿万
birth rate 出生率
blood plasma 血浆
blood pressure 血压
blood serum 血浆
blood stream 血流
blow out 破裂
blow up 炸毁
blue whale 蓝鲸
born into 出身于...家庭
bounce bout 来回弹跳

