

分类: TOEFL托福英语 

anecdote n.逸话;轶事[AN-, ekdotos ]

anemia n.贫血 [anemic 贫血的;衰弱的,无精打采的]

anesthetic n.麻醉剂 [anesthetize 麻醉;使麻痹 aesthetic美学]

angle n.角;见地;观点;钓鱼 [an acute (obtuse) ~ 锐(钝)角 take the ~ 测量角度 He looked at the problem only from his own ~.]

anguish n.极大痛苦 [angu痛苦+ish anguished很痛苦的 ANGER]

animadvert v.批评;责备

animalcule n.微生物 [anim气息,心,生命 animism万物有灵论]

animated a.活生生的 [anim生命+ated magnanimous大度的 animation活泼,卡通]

animosity n.仇恨 [anim生命 +osity]

animus n.恶意;意图源:考试大

ankle n.脚脖子;踝

annals n.纪年表;历史记载 [自annus而来,意为年]

anneal v.锻炼(金属、玻璃等) [an表趋向+ne+al火]

annex v.附加 [an表趋向+nex捆绑]

annihilate v.消灭 [nehilism虚无]

annotate v.注解 [annotation注解 connotation内涵]

annoyance n.烦恼;为难的事

annual a.一年的;每年的,一年生的

annuity n.年金;养老金 [annui=annuus年+ty ANNUAL annuitant领受养老金者]

annul v.废止;宣告无效

anomalous a.反常的;不规则的 [anomaly 反常]

anon ad.不久;立刻

anonymous a.无名的;匿名的 [anomymity无名,匿名 synonym同义字 antonym反义词]

antagonism n.敌对 [ANTAGONIST敌手,对手]

antecedence n.居先;在前 [recede 后退]

antedate v.在信上写上较早日期 [ante- {字首}表示"前的"之意]

antediluvian a.原始的;大水前的 [ante+diluvi=diluvium= DELUGE洪水+an]

antenna n.触角;天线 [拉丁 = sail-yard]

anterior a.较早的;以前的 [ante-rior anteriority 居先;在前]

anthem n.圣歌;赞美歌 [national anthem]

anthology n.诗集;文选 [anthesis开花期]

anthropoid a.似人类的;似猿的 [anthropo人,人类+id似 misanthrope厌世者]

anthropology n.人类学 [anthropophagous 吃人的]

anthropomorphic a.神人同形的 [anthropo+morph+ic anthropomorphous 有人形的,有人性的]

