

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:36:06 

ardent a.热心的;热烈的 [ardor 的形容词 an ~ patriot 满腔热忱的爱国者]
ardor n.热心 ["热(度)")with ~ 热心地]

arduous a.费力的;艰巨的 [ arduus steep, difficult]

arena n.竞技场 [(h)arena sand, sand-strewn place of combat]

argonaut n.冒险家;投机者;叛徒 [(希腊神话)亚哥号上的人员(与Jason同乘亚哥号(the Argo)船前往科基斯(Colchis)寻找金羊毛(the] [Golden Fleece)之一行人)]

argot n.暗语 [argosy 大商船;大商船队]

arid a.干燥的;干燥无味的 [ aride or L aridus arere be dry aridly 贫瘠地]

aright ad.正;正确地

aristocrat n.贵族 [ aristocrate ARISTOCRATIC贵族政治的;主张贵族统治的]

arithmetic n.算术;算术的 [arithmetike(tekhne)art of counting arithmosnumber]

ark n.方舟;笨重难看的船 [ arca chest]

armada n.舰队 [arm=ARMY+ada舰队]

armament n.军备;武器;装备 [ARM, -MENT]

armistice n.休战;停战 [truce 停战;休止;中止]

armory n.武器制造厂;室内教练场 [armor plate (军舰、战车等的)装甲板]

aroma n.芳香;气派,风格 [ aroma -atos spice]

aromatic a.芳香的 [(AROMA, -IC)aroma芳香,气派,风格  aroma -atos spice]

arraign v.提讯;控告 [ (ult AD-,  ratio -onis reason, discourse)]

arrant a.极端的;完全的 [var of ERRANT]

array v.排列 [ araier, OF areer ult  Gmc root, = prepare]

arrears n.债;欠债 [AD-, retro backwards: arrear(."在后")(工作、付款)延误]

arrest v.阻止;遏止 [~ the spread of the fire 阻止火势的蔓延 arrestant 制虫剂]

arrogance n.自大;傲慢 [arrogant自大的;傲慢的]

arrogate v.冒称;霸占 [ arrogare arrogat-(AD-, rogare ask)]

arson n.非法纵火;放火 [arsonist纵火犯ardent热情的ars=ard ;ars艺术arse屁股;闲荡]

articulate v.清楚说话;接合 [articulatus(ARTICLE, -ATE)]

artifacts n.史前古器物 [artificer 技师;工匠 artificial不自然的,虚假的]

artifice n.策略;诡计 [ making facere make artifact手工艺品]

artisan n.工匠 [ artigiano,  artitus pp. of artire instruct in thearts]

artless a.粗俗的;自然的

ascend v.上升;攀爬 [ascendancy统治者,支配力量 ascent上升 descend下降]

ascendant a.上升的;优越的

ascertain v.确定 [ acertener, stem acertain to+CERTAIN]

ascetic a.苦行的 [asketes monkaskeo exercise asceticism 禁欲主义,苦行生活]

ascribe v.归于 [ ascribere(AD-, scribere script- write)]

aseptic a.无菌的 [anti-sept-ic抗菌药]

ashen a.灰色的

asinine a.愚鲁的 [asin= asinus驴子ASS+ine]

