

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:35:59 

illiterate adj.不识字的

同unlettered, uncultured, uneducated, ignorant

The university set up a center where illiterate adults could learn to read.


Inadvertent adj.不注意的

同accidental, fortuitous, unintentional, incidental

The auditor determined that it was merely an inadvertent mistake made by a junior accountant.

查账员认为这只是年轻会计师的疏忽。*auditor n.查账员

innermost adj.最深处的

同deepest, private

Tom and Joe were best friends and shared their innermost secrets with each other.汤姆和乔是最要好的朋友,互相分享内心的秘密。

jeopardy n.危险同risk, peril, hazard

This building is in jeopardy of collapsing if there is a major earthquake.


lace v.①系(带子)②穿(带子)

同1.tie, fasten 2.pass through

The little child's mother has to help him lace up his shoes.这小孩的母亲不得不帮他系鞋带。

lull v.使平静;使入睡

同 calm, pacify, quiet

The father sang a song to his daughter to lull her to sleep.


magnificence n.壮丽

同brilliance, grandeur, majesty, resplendence

We were all impressed with the magnificence of Russia's Winter Palace.


mercurial adj.①多变的②水银的

同1.changeable, erratic, mobile, capricious, inconstant

Few people can stand Michael's mercurial personality, so he does not have many friends.


Nasty adj.①污秽的②令人不快的

同1.filthy, foul 2.disagreeable, unpleasant

What is that nasty smell coming from behind the house?


