

分类: TOEFL托福英语 

surpass v.凌驾

同excel, outdo, exceed

Tommy studied so hard that he surpassed all the other students in his class.


thrall n.奴隶

同slave, serf, bondsman

The peasant farmers were the thralls of the lord of the castle.


timid adj.胆怯的

同fearful, cowardly, shy

The tiny kitten was very timid, and too afraid to approach us.


unassuming adj.谦虚的

同modest, retiring, reversed, humble

Don't be fooled by his unassuming manner; he is really a very proud man.别被他谦虚的态度骗了,其实他是个很骄傲的人。

valiant adj.勇敢的

同dauntless, brave, courageous, gallant, valorous

The doctor's valiant efforts finally saved the child's life.


wan adj.苍白的

同pale, pallid, colorless, bloodless, ashen

Tony looked so wan and tired that I knew something must be wrong.


yoke n.轭;束缚

同bond, chain, link, tie, union

The farmer put a yoke on the oxen's necks and began to plow his fields.农夫把轭套在牛的脖子上,开始耕田。

Exercise: Fill in the blanks.

1. The _____ spread of the disease caused panic among the people of the country.

2. Although she was _____ to go, Tina came to the Assassin concert with me.

3. There were many _____ in organizing the business conference, but we finally succeeded.

4. Allan, who is anything but _____, often strikes up conversations with complete strangers.

5. Although she is a very accomplished pianist, she has a very _____ personality.

解答:1. Rampant 2. Reluctant 3. Setbacks 4. Timid 5. unassuming

