

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:35:55 

contract v.收缩

同 shrink, narrow, reduce

The cold weather made the cement in the sidewalk contract until it finally cracked.


deadlock n.停顿;僵持

同bottleneck, impasse

The peace talks reached a deadlock and nothing could be decided.


deride v.嘲弄

同laugh at, mock, sneer, taunt

You should not deride children for their failures; you should encourage them to try again.


discrete adj.个别的;分离的

同 separate, distinct, discontinuous

The different sections of the city are actually quite discrete and each has its own characteristics.


elaborate adj.精巧的

同intricate, delicate, painstaking, complicated

The wedding dress' design was very elaborate and took many weeks to make.


enhance v.加强

同intensify, strengthen, heighten, advance, augment

This new fax machine will enhance interoffice communications.


ethnology n.民族学

同study of races

Dr. Henderson is a famous expert on Asian ethnology.


facsimile n.摹写;复制

同likeness, duplicate, copy, replica

Gordon's painting was an almost perfect facsimile of the original.


Exercise: Fill in the blanks.

1. Mr. Warren was arrested for _____ enemy soldiers.

2. In some cultures, criminals are _____ from the community and forced to live in the wilderness.

3. Because none of us could _____ of a better idea, we all agreed to Sally's plan.

4. A suggestion to bring in a mediator broke the _____ between the workers' union and company management.

5. Charlie bought a machine that is supposed to _____ the sound quality of his computer.

解答:1. abetting 2. banished 3. conceive 4. deadlock 5. enhance

