

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:35:54 

malice n.怨恨

同spite, ill will, animosity

After their argument, the malice between Teri and Fred seemed to grow.


metropolitan adj.大都市的

同 civil, urban, city-wide

Shanghai is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world.


nefarious adj邪恶的

同 heinous, wicked, vicious, villainous, evil, atrocious

The bomber's nefarious deed destroyed many innocent lives.


obscene adj.猥亵的

同indecent, filthy, foul, lewd, dirty

The protesters shouted some obscene remarks at the police officers.


outburst n.爆发

同eruption, explosion, blowup

A sudden outburst of fighting among rival soccer fans developedsintosa riot.


panacea n.万灵药

同 cure-all, universal remedy

Although this drug will help some cancer patients, it is not a panacea.


patricide n.杀父罪

When a will was discovered near the man's dead body, patricide was suspected.


perplex v.使困惑

同puzzle, baffle, bewilder, confound

We were perplexed by John's peculiar behavior.


Exercise: Fill in the blanks.

1. I was _____ that Paul had actually drawn the sketch because it was not like his style.

2. Tess was exhausted, and each of her steps seemed more _____ than the last.

3. Although the two of them have petty arguments frequently, there is no real ______ between them.

4. The subway system covers the entire _____ area of Washington D.C..

5. We were all _____ as to how to repair the microwave oven.

解答:1. incredulous 2. languid 3. malice 4. metropolitan 5. perplexed

