

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:35:30 

--What does the man mean?
15. --That famous violinist our professor was talking about is going to be the soloist in next week's
--Great! I don't want miss it. Where can we get tickets?
--What will the speakers probably do next week?
16. --So are you going over to Cindy's after class?
--I'd like to. But she has a pet cat and I'm very allergic.
--What does the man mean?
17. --One of the members of the dormitory council is quitting. Do you know of anyone who would be interested in taking her place?
--I'm not sure. But I'll certainly keep an eye out for you.
--What will the man probably do?
18. --Have you heard about the new fitness center they are building downtown?
--Yeah. I can hardly wait for it to open.
--What does the man mean?
19. --Hi. I'd like to sign up for the film selection committee. Is this the right place?
--Yes, it is. There are a lot of fun people on that committee but you have to put a lot of hours. I hope your schedule isn't too tight.
--What does the woman imply?
20. --You don't seem to be able to sit still today. What's going on?
--Today they announce who gets the big scholarship for the next year.
--How does the man probably feel?
21. --I'm really looking forward to the picnic tomorrow.
--If we are lucky, we'll have some sun this year for a change.
--What does the man imply?
22. --What a mess with the custodian to clean up.
--You can say that again.
--What does the man mean?
23. --I wish we had more time for lunch.
--Me too. I get indigestion.
--What does the man mean?
24. --You haven't seen a blue notebook, have you? I hope I didn't leave it at school.
--Did you check that pile of books and papers you left on the desk last night?
--What does the man imply?
25. --The berries on this bush look kind of tasty. Do you think I should try one?
--I wouldn't. Even the birds stay away from that bush.
--What does the woman imply?
26. --What did you do to your hair?
--I just had to have it cut. It was always getting in my eyes.
--What does the woman imply?
27. --You are on the right track. I just think you need to narrow the topic down.
--Yeah. You are right. I always choose these broad areas when I'm doing a research paper.
--What will the man probably do?
28. --When are you going to have your eyes checked?
--I had to cancel my appointment. I couldn't fit it in.
--What does the woman mean?
29. --Did you notice that Mark shaved off his beard over the summer?
--Notice? I didn't even recognize him.
--What does the man imply?
30. --I probably should have found out if you like spicy food.
--Oh, but I appreciate all the trouble you went to. I guess I'm just not a very adventurous eater.
--What can be inferred about the woman?


Q31-34 A conversation at a bicycle shop.
* Hi, John.
* Oh! Hi, Laura. What are you doing here?
* Uh. I'm usually here on weekends. It's my dad's shop. So you are looking for a bike?
* Yeah. Now that the weather is warming up, I thought I get some exercise instead of taking the bus all the time.
* Well, you came to the right place. Do you know what you would like?
* Well, I don't want a racer or a touring bike or anything. Mostly I'll just be using it to get me back and forth from work.
* How far is that?
* About four miles.
* Are there a lot of hills on the way?
* Some I guess. But maybe I should tell you at the front that I only got 150 dollars. Can I get anything decent for that?
* Well, you are not going to get anything top of the line. But we do have a few trade-ins in the back that are in good condition.
* That sounds good.
* And you are right. For the kind of ride you are going to be doing, the most important thing is comfort.

