

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:34:48 


1. I picked up the receiver, dropped the coins in the slot, and dialed the number I wanted.

这个句子是关于打投币公共电话的。Slot -缝隙。这里是指投币口。Receiver就是电话的听筒。

2. Virginia's going to take all her required courses this year.

Required courses -必修课


I have 9 required courses and 3 electives this semester.

3. Not only is Cheryl a good swimmer, but she's also a promising musician and a great photographer.

Not only…but also.不仅。。。。而且。。。
Not only +倒装语序,but also +陈述语序

4. My pen's out of ink. -我的笔没有墨水了。

Be out of something =用完了一样东西

举一反三:run out of something.

We are running out of money/water/time.我们的钱/水/时间就快用完了。

5. The students completely filled the classroom.


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6. Peter blames himself for what happened.

Blame oneself for something -因为某事责怪自己。

举一反三:Who's to blame?-这要怪谁?  

He's to blame.这要怪他。

7. The controller made a mistake and overcharged Amy for her tuition.


举一反三: I got short-changed.是指别人找钱找少给我了。

8. Have the driver let you off at the intersection. 叫司机在交叉口处让你下车。

Let you off意思是"让你下车",中国学生很容易按照中文来翻译,"let you get off the bus"语法上是没有错误的,但是现实中常常不这么罗嗦。学习英文应该多注意英文的表达方法,而不是想如何把中文翻译成英文。

举一反三:这个例句还有一个托福经常考的结构:Have somebody do something:让某人做某事。

类似的常考结构:get somebody to do something.不过这个结构的侧重点是自己不干,叫别人去干。

9. I've almost finished typing my homework paper. Finish doing something=做完一件事情。在口语中也说be done with sth./doing something.

I am done with typing my homework paper.

问有没有干完手头的活也说,"Are you done?"

10.Has my unabridged dictionary arrived yet?


举一反三:Abridged novels就是简写版小说

