
人文知识练习附讲解 8

分类: 专业四八级英语 

1. No.10 Downing Street is____.

A Office of British Navy

B official residence of Prime Minster

C seat of English Parliament

D official residence of King

2. Increasingly troubled by the inroads of northern tribes such as Goths, the West Empire finally collapsed in__.

A 395 B 27 B.C.

C 476 D 1453

3. Who wrote "I came, I saw, I conquered"?

A Horace B Virgil

C Marcus Tullius Cicero D Julius Casar

4. When the Hundred Year's War ended in 1453, the only part of France that was still in the hands of English is__.

A Calais B Paris

C Aquitaine D Anjor

5. Big Ben is the nickname of__.

A Sir Benjamin Hall B Benjamin Franklin

C 315-foot Clock Tower D Sir Charles Barry

6. In England, the most famous of the Catholic conspiracies was__.

A The Cobham's plot B the murder of Thomas Becket

C the execution of Mary Queen of Scots D the Gunpowder Plot

7. The author of On the Origin of Species is__.

A George Baron B Charles Darwin

C John Baldwin D Winston Churchill

8. The author of On the Nature of Things is __.

A Horace B Virgil

C Lucretius D Julius Caesar

9. Which of the following is by far the most influential in the West?

A Christianity B Buddhism

C Islamism D Judaism

10. The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first fie books, called __.

A Exodus B Commandments

C Amos D Pentateuch




6-10 DBCAD

1. 选B.

No.10 Downing Street(唐宁街10号,是首相官邸,) Downing Street位于伦敦中部,No.11 Downing Street是英国财政大臣的官邸,因此唐宁街常作为英国政府的代名词。

2. 选C


3. 选D

Julius Caesar(恺撒,100-44 BC,罗马统帅,政治家)于49-44BC成为罗马独裁者,后被共和派贵族刺杀,著有《高卢战记》 (Commentaries)Marcus Tullius Cicero (西塞罗104-43BC)罗马政治家,哲学家和雄辩家。

4. 选A


5. 选C

Big Ben(大本钟)是指伦敦英国议会大厦钟楼上的大钟,也谕指放置大本钟的钟楼。该钟是由英国政府官员Sir Benjamin Hall于1859年主持建造的。

6. 选D

The Gunpowder Plot (火药阴谋)是指1605年英国发生的由Guy Fawkes等企图炸毁议会大厦,扎死国王的天主教火药硬煤案。这一阴谋的Guy Fawkes和其他7名同谋在犯罪现场被捉获。后国会决定每年的11月5日为”Guy Fawkes Day”,在这一天人们燃放烟火和烧福克斯的模拟象,晚上英国人会用Bonfire Night “篝火之夜”来庆祝这一天。

7. 选B

Charles Darwin (达尔文1809-1882)英国博物学家,进化论的创始,进化生物学的奠基人,提出以自然选择为基础的进化论学说和人类起源于类人猿。著有On the Origin of Species《物种起源》

8. 选C

Lucretius (卢克莱修约94-95BC)古罗马诗人和哲学家。The nature of things<物性论>,他认为物质是永恒的(Matter is eternal.)

9. 选A


10. 选D

Pentateuch《魔西五书》是 The Old Testament《旧约全书》中最古老,最重要的五部。Pentateuch《魔西五书》,包括Genesis《创始记》, Exodus《出埃及记》 Leviticus 《利未记》Numbers《民数记》 Deuteronomy《申命记》

