尊重老人是我国一大传统美德,每逢重阳节,很多会街道、居委会、公司等会通过开展多样的活动来表示对长者们的爱戴和尊重。比如,有些退休的老人们会一起去登山踏秋、插茱萸等。试做下面六道和 “晚年” 有关的题目 。
1. When you are old enough (or wealthy enough) you can stop work and ______.
a) resign
b) give up
c) retreat
d) retire
2. Money you receive from the government and/or your company when you have stopped working is your ______.
a) pension
b) allowance
c) pocket money
d) savings
3. An older person can politely be described as a(n) ______.
a) senior citizen
b) past-it person
c) super civilian
d) non-worker
4. A polite adjective for an older person is ______.
a) long lived
b) obsolete
c) elderly
d) rusty
5. The medical specialty relating to older people is ______.
a) orthopaedics
b) pediatrics
c) geriatrics
d) obstetrics
6. Someone who reaches the age of 100 is a ______.
a) octogenarian
b) centenarian
c) nonagenarian
d) septuagenarian
1) d, 2) a, 3) a, 4) c, 5) c, 6) b.