
自考“英语(一)”笔记 六十一

分类: 自考英语 
Text A  Panic and Its Effects


1.panic vi. 恐慌,惊慌n. 恐慌,惊慌

panic-stricken adj. 惊慌失措的

1)The crowd panicked at the ringing of the siren.(听到警报器响,人群惊慌失措。)

2)Don't panic,Sit still keep calm.(不要惊慌,安静地坐着保持冷静。)

3)The little boy panicked when thinking about the punishment he might get from his master.(想到主人可能会给他的惩罚,那个小男孩惊恐不安。)

4)We didn't want to start a panic on the stock exchange.(我们不想引起证券交易恐慌。)

5)The panic-stricken mother is looking for her child.(那位惊恐万状的母亲在寻找她的孩子。)

6)The panic-stricken crowd rushed to the emergency exit.(惊恐万状的人群朝紧急出处口跑去。)(请注意,当panic用做动词时,其过去式是panicked,进行式是panicking.)

2.severe adj. serious(严重的);strict(严厉的);艰难的

1)He felt a severe pain in his left leg.(他感到左腿一阵剧痛。)

2)They had a severe shortage of food.(他们的食品严重短缺。)

3)He is very severe with his children.(他对孩子们很严厉。)

4)He had a severe look on his face.(他脸上神色严肃。)

5)A severe competition is waiting for them.(激烈的竞争在等待着他们。)

6)Severe weather conditions hindered the rescue.(风雨交加的天气妨碍了营救。)

3.accompany vt. 陪伴;伴随;为…伴奏

1)She asked me to accompany her to the supermarket.(她让我陪她去超市。)

2)He was accompanied to the party by a friend.(他由朋友陪同去参加聚会。)

3)She came out of the house accompanied by her husband.(她在丈夫的陪同下走出了那座房屋。)

4)A high fever often accompanies a mild infection.(轻微的炎症常常伴有高烧。)

4.shortness n.(长度、距离或持续的时间)短;缺乏,不足

1)The shortness of the trip relieved his anxiety.(行程的短暂减轻了他的焦虑。)

2)Shortness of breath is one of the symptoms of a heart attack.(气急是心脏病的症状之一。)

short adj. 短的;近的;不足的

1)He has his hair cut short.(他剪短了头发。)

2)The bus stop is a short walk from our school.(汽车站离我们学校不远,走一会儿就到。)

3)Water is short in this area.(这个地区缺水。)

4)We are short of hands, will you come to help us?(我们缺少人手,你能来帮我们吗?)

5)They were running short of food.(他们的食品快吃完了。)

5.nearby adj. adv. 附近的;在附近

1)He was sent to the nearby hospital by his fellow workers.(他被同事送进了附近的医院。)

2)She threw the key into the nearby bushes.(她把钥匙扔进了附近的灌木丛。)

3)There is a supermarket nearby.(附近有一家超市。)

4)The car stopped nearby.(汽车在附近停下。)

6.diagnose v. 诊断;调查分析原因;判断



1)The doctor diagnosed the illness as flu.(医生诊断这病为流行性感冒。)

2)The expert is diagnosing the pupil's reading difficulties.(专家正在找寻这个学生阅读困难的原因。)

3)It is necessary to diagnose the cause of the economic and political decline.(有必要对经济和政治衰退的原因进行分析。)

diagnosis n. 诊断

1)He is sure his diagnosis will be confirmed.(他肯定自己的诊断会得以证实。)

2)The boy's fever led to a diagnosis of pneumonia.(那男孩的发烧被诊断为肺炎所致。)

7.moreover adv. 而且,此外

1)I don't want to go swimming and, moreover,it is not warm enough.(我不想去游泳,再说天气也不够暖和。)

2)The proposal was not well thought out; moreover,it was impractical.(这个建议本身就考虑得不周全,再说也不实际。)

8.conduct v. 处理,管理;指挥;传导n. 举止,行为

1)They are conducting a survey of the region.(他们正对那一地区进行调查。)

2)He is conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra.(他正在指挥波士顿交响乐队。)

3)Copper conducts electricity.(铜导电。)

4)His conduct at the dinner party was disgraceful.(他在晚宴上的举止很丢人。)

5)The government's conduct of the affair was satisfactory.(政府对这件事的处理是令人满意的。)

9.disclose v. reveal(使显露;揭露,泄露)

1)The surgeon took off his cap and surgical mask, disclosing a young and smart face.(外科医生除去手术帽和口罩,露出了一张年轻帅气的脸。)

2)Make sure that he won't disclose the information to anybody.(确保他不会把消息泄露给任何人。)

3)He reluctantly disclosed his views about this issue.(他很不情愿地透露了自己对这一议题的看法。)

10.recurrent adj. happening many times(一再发生的;复发的)

recur v. happen again(再发生,再现;回归)




1)We should pay attention to this recurrent spelling mistake.(我们应该注意这个经常发生的拼写错误。)

2)The recurrent dream really disturbed him.(那个一再出现的梦的确令他不安。)

3)If this cheating recurs, you will be expelled from school.(如果这样的作弊行为再发生,你将被开除出校。)

4)His illness is likely to recur.(他的病可能复发。)

5)Let's recur to what you mentioned just now.(让我们回到你刚才提到的话题上。)

11.symptom n. 征候,征兆

1)Fever is a symptom of illness.(发烧是患病的一种症状。)

2)Most infections are contagious before any symptoms are noticed.(许多传染病在发现症状之前都已具有传染性。)

3)The common symptom in these patients was poor appetite.(这些病人的共同症状是胃口不好。)

12.bear v. 忍受;负担;结(果实),生(孩子)

1)It was painful of course but I bore it.(这当然很痛苦,但我忍受住了。)

2)It would be unjust for him to bear full responsibility for this accident.(让他为这起事故负全部责任是不公正的。)

3)She had borne him a daughter.(她为他生了个女儿。)

4)Some plants only bear fruit once every 25 years.(有些植物每25年才结一次果。)

请注意bear,endure,stand,tolerate,put up with的区别。这几个词或词组的共同意思是“忍受”或“容忍”。

bear和stand主要指对饥寒、疼痛、不幸、损失、困难等的忍受和承受;endure主要指对重大灾祸和困难的长时间地忍受;tolerate主要指容忍和自己的愿望相反的事;put up with指某些不愉快的或有轻微伤害的事情。


bear是个普通用语,而stand,put up with多用于口语中,endure比较正式,语气较强。

1)I can't bear / stand black tea.(我喝不惯红茶。)

2)The pain was almost more than he could bear.(疼痛几乎使他不能忍受。)

3)She had endured great pain for several years.(她已忍受了几年极大的痛苦。)

4)I cannot put up with your behavior any longer.(我再也不能忍受你的行为了。)

5)The school cannot tolerate cheating on exams.(学校不容许作弊。)

13.victim n. 牺牲品,受害者

1)He was a victim of the second world war.(他是第二次世界大战的受害者。)

2)They are trying to give some help to those flood victims.(他们正试图给水灾难民提供帮助。)

3)After about two weeks,the victim's hair started to fall out.(大约两周后,受害人开始掉头发。)

14.uneasy adj. 心神不安的,担心的,忧虑的

1)He is uneasy about his future.(他为自己的前途担忧。)

2)She looked uneasy but promised to follow his advice.(她看上去很不安,但答应听他的劝告。)

3)She had an uneasy feeling that she was unlikely to get the job.(她有一种不安的感觉,觉得自己不可能得到那份工作。)

4)Beneath his unease I sensed a nice nature.(在他拘谨的外表下,我感到他有一颗善良的心。)

5)They worried a lot about the social unease.(他们对社会的不安定感到焦虑。)

