

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
bootless :: useless
bountiful :: generous; showing bounty
brazen :: insolent
bristling :: rising like bristles; showing irritation
brusque :: blunt; abrupt
bucolic :: rustic; pastoral
bumptious :: self-assertive
buxom :: plump; vigorous; jolly
cadaverous :: like a corpse; pale
callous :: hardened; unfeeling
calorific :: heat-producing
canny :: shrewd; thrifty
capacious :: spacious
capricious :: fickle; incalculable
captious :: faultfinding
carnal :: fleshly
carnivorous :: meat-eating
carping :: finding fault
catholic :: broadly sympathetic; liberal
caustic :: burning; sarcastically biting
celestial :: heavenly
celibate :: unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse
centigrade :: measure of temperature used widely in Europe
centrifugal :: radiating; departing from the center
cerebral :: pertaining to the brain of intellect
chaffing :: bantering; joking
chaotic :: in utter disorder
chary :: cautiously watchful
chaste :: pure
checkered :: marked by changes in fortune
chimerical :: fantastic; highly imaginative
choleric :: hot-tempered
chronic :: long established as a disease
churlish :: boorish; rude
ciliated :: having minute hairs
circuitous :: roundabout
circumspect :: prudent; cautious
clairvoyant :: having foresight
clandestine :: secret
clarion :: shrill trumpetlike sound
climactic :: relating to the highest point
cogent :: convincing
cognate :: allied by blood; of the same or kindred nature
coincident :: occurring at the same time
colossal :: huge
combustible :: easily burned
comely :: attractive; agreeable
commensurate :: equal in extent
commodious :: spacious and comfortable
compatible :: harmonious; in harmony with
complacent :: self-satisfied
complaisant :: trying to please; obliging
compliant :: yielding
concentric :: having a common center
concise :: brief and compact
concurrent :: happening at the same time
condign :: adequate; deservedly severe

