

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
dexterous :: skillful
diabolical :: devilish
diaphanous :: sheer; transparent
digressive :: wandering away from the subject
dilatory :: delaying
dire :: disastrous
discernible :: distinguishable; perceivable
discerning :: mentally quick and observant; having insight
disconsolate :: sad
discordant :: inharmonious; conflicting
discrete :: separate; unconnected
discursive :: digressing; rambling
disheveled :: untidy
disingenuous :: not naive; sophisticated
disinterested :: unprejudiced
disjointed :: disconnected
disparate :: basically different; unrelated
dispirited :: lacking in spirit
disputatious :: argumentative; fond of argument
dissolute :: loose in morals
distrait :: absentminded
distraught :: upset; distracted by anxiety
diurnal :: daily
divers :: several; differing
diverse :: differing in some characteristics; various
docile :: obedient; easily managed
dogmatic :: positive; arbitrary
dolorous :: sorrowful
dormant :: sleeping; lethargic; torpid
dorsal :: relating to the back of an animal
doughty :: courageous
dour :: sullen; stubborn
droll :: queer and amusing
dubious :: doubtful
earthy :: unrefined; coarse
ebullient :: showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm
ecclesiastic :: pertaining to the church
eerie :: weird
effectual :: efficient
effeminate :: having womanly traits
effete :: worn out; exhausted; barren
efflorescent :: flowering
effulgent :: brilliantly radiant
effusive :: pouring forth; gushing
egregious :: gross; shocking
elegiacal :: like an elegy; mournful
elusive :: evasive; baffling; hard to grasp
elusory :: tending to deceive expectations; elusive

