

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-11 12:14:18 


1. 题型(按频率高低排列)

1/ Agree or disagree (观点二选一)

2/ 三选一

The most important factor that affects the lasting time of a friendship is:

1) Helping the other when a crisis happens;

2) Having the same interests;

3) Trusting each other completely.

3/ 直接提问

Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents’ generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

4/ Compare

A friend of yours has received some money and plans to use all of it either to go on vacation or buy a car. Your friend has asked you for advice. Compare your friend’s two choices and explain which one you think your friend should choose. Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

2. 段落结构



Internet and public transportation are two aspects of national infrastructure worth spending by the government to improve the living quality of its citizens. Yet much has been discussed over which one government budget should lean to.


Some would argue that investing on the former is more important than on the latter. (as necessitated by the burgeoning technology today)


As far as I am concerned, I would say/ I firmly believe that public transportation is more concerned with people’s everyday life, therefore worth more attention and spending.



1) 直接陈述我方的理由。如上述问题,可以在第二段写公共交通在很多国家并未完全覆盖所有地区,个别地区依然脱离交通网络,因此需要加大投资实现普惠;在第三段写即使在大城市,交通拥堵现象也很常见,提高大城市的生活质量也需要加大对交通的投资。

2) 陈述我方理由后,提及对方辩友的论据,以对方的错误衬托我方的正确性。继续以上述问题为例,第二段可以同时写到偏远地区的交通落后和大城市的交通拥堵使得投资交通显得十分重要,第三段开始设想反方,即支持投资互联网的对方辩友会有什么理由,比如对方可能会说现在是网络时代,当然有必要加大全民的互联网接入,促进经济。对此,你可以反驳说即使偏远地区的电子商务发展起来,如果交通受阻,影响物流,经济也难以带动。

PS: 以上论据不同人有不同的看法,我方观点也并不一定无懈可击,但考试只要你的观点合理,重点仍然是你的语言运用能力,这点和GRE是不同的。


3. 词汇和语法


但我们也还是要努力去积累一些正式议论文中使用的词句和语法,比如:Although it is widely accepted that compulsory military service, which provides an army with abundant manpower, is beneficial to a country’s ability to defend itself, closer analysis of military efficiency suggests that it is advanced weaponry which plays a crucial role in…

在上面这个高级句子中,整体结构是although引导的让步状语从句,从句中用到了which引导的非限制性定语从句,主句中用到了that引导的宾语从句,宾语从句之内又用到了强调句型,在句法上做了自然中状态下的复杂;此外,词汇方面用了abundant代替a lot of,manpower代替常规的human (resource),beneficial代替good,advanced, crucial代替important。

除了以上的高级词汇之外,还应注意使用一些连接词,使文章连贯有条理,比如:on the one hand, on the other hand, while (表转折,不是伴随), however, nevertheless, in the first place, To begin with…

