

分类: 专业四八级英语 


   Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage w ill be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seco nds. The last reading will he read at normal speed again and during this time yo u should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.???
Please write the whole passage on Answer Sheet Two.??


  In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.??


In this section you will hear eight statements. At the end of each statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following eight questions.??

1.     How well did the speaker do in the test??
A.    He answered the last four questions.?
B.    He answered the last few questions first.?
C.    He answered only some of the questions.?
D.    He answered all the questions except the first. ?

2.     Jane thinks that Swiss cheese ___.?
A.    tastes the best
B.    tastes very bad?
C.    is better than butter cheese
D.    is no better than other cheese ?

3.    John went to ___ first.?
A. the cineme   B. the repair shop? C. the gas station    D. the service station ?

4.     Betty wishes to ___.?
A. send away the c1eaning lady    B. replace the cleaning lady? C. keep the cleaning lady    D. do the house cleaning ?

5.     How much did Fred pay for his car??
A.    He paid half the price the salesman asked.?
B. lie paid twice as much as the salesman asked?
C. He paid the price the salesman asked.?
D.    He needn’t have paid that much for the car. ?

6.     Permanent education is practical because___.?
A.    there arc no limits at all
B.    there are no age limits?
C.    no one is getting really too old
D.    no one wants to learn at old age ?

7.     According to the speaker, the most difficult thing is___.?
A.    traveling from place to place
B.    keeping away from crowds?
C.    making holiday plans
D.    finding a place with many people ?

8.     William lost his job because___.?
A.    he was always sick
B.    he usually went to work late?
C.    he made a mistake in his work
D.    he got angry with his boss ??


?  In this section, you will hear eight short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following eight questions.??

9.     Mark refused to take the job because ___.?
A.    the working hours were not suitable?
B.    the job was not well paid?
C.    he had to do a lot of travelling?
D. the job was quite difficult ?

10.    What do they think about the restaurant??
A.    The service there is not good.?
B.    The food might not be good.?
C.    The waiter is not hospitable.?
D.    The restaurant is too small. ?

11.    Which language does Mary speak well??
A.    Chinese.       B.   French.       C.   Japanese.       D.      English

12.    The woman believes that John___.?
A.    was playing a joke?
B.    was leaving Boston?
C.    was moving to Boston?
D.    was selling his house himself ?

13.    The woman should have arrived by___.?
A. 10:45 B.  10:40 C.    10:55 D.     11:00 ?

14.    What do we learn from the conversation??
A.    John is not sick.?
B.    John is feeling better.?
C.    Jack hasn’t been sick.?
D.    Jack has not got better. ?

15.    The tone of the man is that of___.?
A.    surprise B.    sarcasm C.    disappointment D.  humour ?

16.    The two speakers are probably___.?
A.    in a parking ground    B.    at a ferry-crossing? C.    in a traffic jam    D.    at a petrol station ??

Questions 17 and 18 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.??

17.    Some Haitians are on strike in order to___.?
A.    get proper medical treatment?
B.    ask for their political rights?
C. protest against the US decision?
D.    demand food supply aid from USA ?

18.    The strikers are denied entry into the US because___.?
A.    AIDS virus has been found among them?
B.    they can not get political asylum in the US?
C.    the US government has refused to take them?
D.    they don’t accept proper medical treatment ?

Question 19 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will he given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.?? 19.    The US auto-makers decided to stop their action because___.?
A.    Japanese auto-makers promised to stop dumping cars in the US?
B.    the Government promised to solve the US-Japan trade imbalance?
C.    three US companies have ended the US-Japan trade imbalance?
D.    Japan agreed to sell cars at the agreed prices inside the US ?

Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following news. Al the end of the news item, you will he given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.??

20.    Where did the storms first strike??
A.    The eastern US. B.      The Gulf of Mexico.? C.    The Canadian border.  D.     Some areas in Cuba. ?

21.    The storms have resulted in the following EXCEPT___.?
A.    death and damage B.     disruption of air services? C.    destruction of crops D.   relocation of people ?

Question 22 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.??

22.    According to the news, France was strongly criticized for___.?
A.    conducting five nuclear tests on Wednesday?
B.    carrying out a series of nuclear tests in the Pacific?
C.    getting disappointing results in the nuclear program?
D.    refusing to sign a global treaty banning nuclear tests ?

Questions 23 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, You will he given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.??

23.    The news item is mainly about___.?
A. air traffic problems B. safety improvement? C. the number of flights D. flight training courses ?

  Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will he given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.??

24.    What is the purpose of the meeting in Luxembourg??
A.    To control patrol boats on the River Danube.?
B.    To end economic sanctions against Serbia.?
C.    To step up economic sanctions against Serbia.?
D.    To send police officers to search the river. ?

25.    International efforts against Serbia have been ineffective because ___.?
A.    ships carrying illegal supplies still sail along the river?
B.    more illegal goods have been carried over land?
C.    local authorities didn’t attempt to stop illegal goods?
D. there has been disagreement over economic sanctions ?


CLOZE   [15 MIN.]  

?Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the correct choice for each blank on your answer Sheet.??

  Our ape-men forefathers had no obvious natural weapons in the struggle for survi val in the open. They had neither the powerful teeth nor the strong claws of the  big cats. They could not ?( 26 )? with the bear, whose strengt h, speed and claws ?( 27 )? an impressive ’small fire’ weaponry . They could not even defend themselves      ?( 28 )?    runnin g swiftly like the horses, zebras or small animals. If the ape-men h ad attempted to compete on those terms in the open, they would have been ?( 29 )? to failure and extinction. But they were  ?(30)?  with enormous concealed advantages of a kind not possessed by any of the ir competitors.?

      In the search       ?( 31 )?  the pickings of the forest, the ape-men had  ?( 32 )?    efficient stereoscopic vision and a sense of colour that the animals of the grasslands did not possess. The abili ty to see clearly at close range permitted the ape-men to study practical proble ms in a way that lay far ?( 33 )? the reach of the original inh abitants of the grassland. Good long-distance sight was ?( 34 )

? another matter. Lack of long-distance vision had not been a problem for fores t-dwelling apes and monkeys because the higher the viewpoint, the greater the ra nge of sight—so ?( 35 )?      they had had to do was climb a  tree. Out in the open, however, this simple solution was not      ?( 3 6 )?    . Climbing a hill would  have helped, but in many places the gro und was flat. The ape-men ?( 37 )? the only possible solution. They reared up as high as possible on their hind limbs and began to walk upright .? This vital change of physical position brought about considerable disadvantages. It was extremely unstable and it meant that the already slow ape-men became slo wer still. ?( 38 )?  , they persevered and their bone structure  gradually became   ?( 39 )?to the new,unstable position that ( 40 )? them the name Homo erectus,upright man.

26. A. match     B.   compare? C. rival D. equal ?
27.    A. became B.     equipped? C.     posed   D.   provided ?
28.    A. in    B. upon ? C. by     D. with ?
29.    A. driven   B. doomed ? C.      forced  D. led ?
30.    A. bestowed   B.   given ? C.   presented   D.     endowed ?
31.    A.for             B.     of   ? C.  on           D. at ?
32.     A. progressed        B.generated ? C.developed      D.advanced  ?
33.    A.from               B.apart     ? C.    beyond        D.above ?
34.    A. rather             B.quite ? C.  much       D.really  ?
35.     A. anything         B.that    ? C.   everything     D.all ?
36.     A. available        B.enough  ? C.   sufficient     D.convenient ?
37.          A. chose           B.adopted   ? C.     accepted     D.took ?
38.   A. However       B.Therefore  ? C.  Meanwhile    D.Subsequently ?
39.       A. accustomed      B. familiarized  ? C.     adapted     D. suited ?
40.    A. obtained        B.called? C.   deserved    D. earned ?

三 词汇


  ?There are twenty-five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that corr ectly completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet??

41.  After ___ seemed an endless wait,it was her turn to enter the per sonnel manager’s office.?

A. that         B. what                 C. there                 D.  it ?

42.    The three men tried many times to sneak across  the border into the neighbouring country,  ___ by the police each time.?

A. had been captured    B. being always captured? C. only to be captured  D. unfortunately captured ?

43.  Professor Johnson is said ___some significant advance in his resea rch in the past year.?

A. having made   B. making     C. to have made     D.to make?

44.   Fat cannot change into muscle ___ muscle changes into fat.?

A. any more than    B.   no less than? C. no more than D. much more than ?

45.    It is not so much the language ___ the cultural background that m akes the book difficult to understand.?

A. but  B. nor    C. as  D. like ?

46.    There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain c limbing than ___ in the public mind today.?
A. exists B. existC. existing D. to exist ?

47.    I’ve never been to Lhasa, but that’s the city___.?

A.    I’d most like to visit             B. where I like to visit? C. which I like to visit mostly        D. I’d like much to visit ?

48. He ___     unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something hel pful.?

A. may have acted       B. must have acted? C. should act           D. would act ?

49.    If you have really been studying English for so long.  It’s about t i me you ___ able to write letters in English.?

A. should be      B. were            C. must be        D . are ?

50.  He’s ___ as a “bellyacher” —— he’s always complaining about some thin g.?

  A. who is known               B. whom is known? C. what is known               D. which is known ?

51.  ___he always tries his best to complete it on time.?

A. However the task is hard   B. However hard the task is? C. Though hard the task is    D. Though hard is the task ?

52.    Much as ___, I couldn’t lend him the money because I simply didn ’t ha ve that much spare cash.?

A. I would have liked to          B. I would like to have ? C. 1 should have to like          D.1 should have liked to ?

53  My cousin likes eating very much, but he isn’t very ___ about the f ood he e ats.?

A. special  B. peculiar C. particular     D. specific ?

54.  Your advice would be ___ valuable to him. who is now at a loss as to wha t    to do first.?

A. exceedingly    B.      excessively  C. extensively   D. exclusive ly ?

55.  More often than not, it is difficult to ___ the exact meaning of a  Chines e idiom in English.?

A. exchange        B.  transfer   C. convey         D.  convert

56.    She refused to ___ the door key to the landlady until she got ba ck her  deposit.?

A. hand in         B.  hand out    C.    hand down             D.  hand over ?

57.  The scientists have absolute freedom as to what research they think i t best to___.?

A. engage   B. devote C. seek      D. pursue ?

58.  The Olympic Games ___ in 776 B.C. in Olympia, a small town in Gree ce. ?

A. originated        B.  stemmed     C. derived         D.  desce nded ?

59. We should always bear in mind that ___ decisions often result in se rious co nsequences.?

A. urgent     B.    instant    C. prompt   D. hasty ?

60.    The fact that the management is trying to reach agreement___five separate unions has led to long negotiations.?

A. over     B.in       C.upon     D. with ?

61.    The chairman of the company said that new techniques had ___impr oved their production efficiency.?

A. violently             B. severely C. extremely       D. radically ?

62.  The local authorities realized the need to make ___for elderly peo ple in their housing programmes.?

A.    preparation    B.  requirement     C. specification        D. provision ?

63.  The guest team was beaten by the host team 2 ___ 4 in last year’s CFA Cup Final.?

A. over            B. in             C.  to          D.  against

64.  The police let him go, because they didn’t find him guilty ___ the  murder.?

      A. of            B. in            C. over         D.  on

65.  As a developing country, we must keep ___ with the rapid developme nt of the   world economy.?

A. move         B.  step        C. speed          D.  pace ?

四 阅读理解A



    In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished stat ements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one th at you think is the correct answer. Mark your choice on your answer sheet.???


    Surprisingly, no one knows how many children receive education in English hospit als, still less the content or quality of that education. Proper records are jus t not kept.? We know that more than 850.000 children go through hospital each year, and that every child of school age has a legal right to continue to receive education wh ile in hospital. We also know there is only one hospital teacher to every 1,000 children in hospital.?

    Little wonder the latest survey concludes that the extent and type of hospital t eaching available differ a great deal across the country. It is found that half the hospitals in England which admit children have no teacher. A further quarter have only a part-time teacher. The special children’s hospitals in major cities do best; general hospitals in the country and holiday areas are worst off.? From this survey, one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have som e contact with a hospital teacher—and that contact may be as little as two hour s a day. Most children interviewed were surprised to find a teacher in hospital at all. They had not been prepared for it by parents or their own school. If the re was a teacher they were much more likely to read books and do math or number work; without a teacher they would only play games.?

    Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling behind and m aintaining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied, and the latter is of ten all the teacher can do. The position and influence of many teachers was summ ed up when parents referred to them as “the library lady” or just “the helper”. Children tend to rely on concerned school friends to keep in touch with school w ork. Several parents spoke of requests for work being ignored or refused by the school. Once back at school children rarely get extra teaching, and are told to catch up as best they can.?

    Many short-stay child-patients catch up quickly. But schools do very little to e ase the anxiety about falling behind expressed by many of the children interview ed.?

66. The author points out at the beginning that___.?
A.   every child in hospital receives some teaching?
B.    not enough is known about hospital teaching?
C.    hospital teaching is of poor quality?
D.  the special children’s hospitals are worst off ?

67.    It can be inferred from the latest survey that___.?
A.hospital teaching across the country is similar?
B.    each hospital has at least one part-time teacher?
C. all hospitals surveyed offer education to children?
D.only one-fourth of the hospitals have full-time teachers ?

68.    Children in hospital usual1y turn to___in order to catch up with  the ir school work.?
A.    hospital teachers     B.    schoolmates? C.    parents     D.    school teachers ?

69.  We can conclude from the passage that the author is___.?
A.    unfavourable towards children receiving education in hospitals?
B.    in favour of the present state of teaching in hospitals?
C.    unsatisfied with the present state of hospital teaching?
D.    satisfied with the results of the latest survey ?


        Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become “computer-l iterate”, in other words, to learn to understand computers and what makes them t ick. Not all experts agree, however, that is a good idea.?

      One pioneer, in particular. who disagrees is David Tebbutt, the founder of Compu tertown UK. Although many people see this as a successful attempt to bring peopl e closer to the computer, David does not see it that way. He says that Computert own UK was formed for just the opposite reason, to bring computers to the people and make them “people-literate”.?

    David first got the idea when he visited one of America’s best-known computer “g uru” figure, Bob Albrecht,in the small university town of Palo Alto in Northern California. Albrecht had started a project called Computertown USA in the local library, and the local children used to call round every Wednesday to borrow so me time on the computers there, instead of borrowing library books. Albrecht was always on hand to answer any questions and to help the children discover about computers in their own way.?

    Over here, in Britain,Computertowns have taken off in a big way,and there are now about 40 scattered over the country. David Tebbutt thinks they are most succ essful when tied to a computer club. He insists there is a vast and important di fference between the two, although they complement each other. The clubs cater f or the enthusiasts, with some computer knowledge already, who get together arid eventually form an expert computer group. This frightens away non-experts, who a re happier going to Computertowns where there are computers available for them t o experiment on, with experts available to encourage them and answer any questions; they are not told what to do, they find out.?

    David Tehbutt finds it interesting to see the two different approaches working s ide by side. The computer experts have to learn not to tell people about compute rs, but have to be able to explain the answers to the questions that people real ly want to know. In some Computertowns there are question sessions, rather like radio phone-ins, where the experts listen to a lot of questions and then try to work out some structure to answer them. People are not having to learn computer jargons, but the experts are having to translate computer mysteries into easily understood terms; the computers are becoming “people-literate”.?

70.    According to David Tebbutt, the purpose of Computertown UK is to___?
A.    train people to understand how computers work?
B.    make more computers available to people?
C.    enable more people to fix computers themselves?
D.    help people find out more about computers ?

71.    We Learn from the passage that Computertown USA was a ___.?
A. town      B.   project      C.   library      D.   school ?

72.  Which of the following statements is INCORRECT??
A.    Computertowns in the UK have become popular.?
B.    Computertowns and clubs cater for different people.?
C.    Computertowns are more successful than clubs.?
D.    It’s better that computertowns and clubs work together. ?

73.    Which of the following is NOT an advantage of computertowns??
A.    Experts give lectures and talks on computers.?
B.    Experts are on hand to answer people’s questions.?
C. People are left to discover computers on their own.?
D.    There are computers around for people to practise on. ?


    There must be few questions on which responsible opinion is so utterly divided a s on that of how much sleep we ought to have. There are some who think we can le ave the body to regulate these matters for itself. “The answer is easy,” says Dr . A. Burton. “With the right amount of sleep you should wake up fresh and alert five minutes before the alarm rings.” If he is right many people must be undersl eeping, including myself. But we must remember that some people have a greater i nertia than others.This is not meant rudely. They switch on slowly, and they a re reluctant to switch off. They are alert at bedtime and sleepy when it is time  to get up, and this may have nothing to do with how fatigued their bodies are, or how much sleep they must take to lose their fatigue.?

    Other people feel sure that the present trend is towards too little sleep. To qu ote one medical opinion, thousands of people drift through life suffering from the effects of too little sleep; the reason is not that they can’t sleep. Like a dvancing colonists, we do seem to be grasping ever more of the land of sleep for our waking needs, pushing the boundary back and reaching, apparently, for a poi nt in our evolution where we will sleep no more. This in itself, of course, need  not be a bad thing. What could be disastrous, however, is that we should press too quickly towards this goal, sacrificing sleep only to gain more time in which  to jeopardize our civilization by actions and decisions made weak by fatigue.? Then, to complete the picture, there are those who believe that most people are persuaded to sleep too much. Dr H. Roberts, writing in Every Man in Health, asse rts: “It may safely be stated that, just as the majority eat too much, so the ma jority sleep too much.” One can see the point of this also. It would be a pity t o retard our development by holding back those people who are gifted enough to w ork and play well with less than the average amount of sleep, if indeed it does them no harm. If one of the trends of evolution is that more of the life span i s to be spent in gainful waking activity, then surely these people are in the va n of this advance.?

74.    The author seems to indicate that___.?
A.    there are many controversial issues like the right amount of sleep?
B.    among many issues the right amount of sleep is the least controversial?
C.    people are now moving towards solving many controversial issues?
D.    the right amount of sleep is a topic of much controversy among doctors?

75.    The author disagrees with Dr. Burton because___.?
A.    few people can wake up feeling fresh and alert?
B.    some people still feel tired with enough sleep?
C.    some people still feel sleepy with enough sleep?
D.    some people go to bed very late at night ?

76.    In the last paragraph the author points out that___.?
A.    sleeping less is good for human development?
B.    people ought to be persuaded to sleep less than before?
C.    it is incorrect to say that people sleep too little?
D.    those who can sleep less should be encouraged ?

77.    We learn from the passage that the author___.
A.    comments on three different opinions?
B.    favours one of the three opinions?
C.    explains an opinion of his own?
D.    revises someone else’s opinion ?


    Migration is usually defined as “permanent or semipermanent change of residence. ” This broad definition, of course, would include a move across the street or ac ross a city. Our concern is with movement between nations, not with internal mig ration within nations, although such movements often exceed international moveme nts in volume. Today, the motives of people who move short distances are very si milar to those of international migrants.?

    Students of human migration speak of “push” and “pull” factors, which influence an individual’s decision to move from one place to another. Push factors are ass ociated with the place of origin. A push factor can be as simple and mild a matt er as difficulty in finding a suitable job. or as traumatic as war, or severe fa mine. Obviously, refugees who leave their homes with guns pointed at their heads  are motivated almost entirely by push factors (although pull factors do influen ce their choice of destination).?

    Pull factors are those associated with the place of destination. Most often thes e are economic,such as better job opportunities or the availability of good lan d to farm. The latter was an important factor in attracting settlers to the Unit ed States during the 19th century. In general, pull factors add up to an apparen tly better chance for a good life and material well-being than is offered by the place of origin. When there is a choice between several attractive potential de stinations, the deciding factor might be a non-economic consideration such as th e presence of relatives, friends, or at least fellow countrymen already establis hed in the new place who are willing to help the newcomers settle in. Considerat ions of this sort cad to the development of migration flow.?

    Besides push and pull actors, there are what the sociologists call “intervening obstacles” Even if push and(or) pull factors are very strong they still may be ou tweighed by intervening obstacles, such as the distance of the move, the trouble  and cost of moving, the difficulty of entering the new country, and the problem s likely to be encountered on arrival.? The decision to move is also influenced by “personal factors” of the potential m igrant. The same push-pull factors and obstacles operate differently on differen t people, sometimes because they are at different stages of their lives, or just  because of their varying abilities and personalities. The prospect of packing u p everything and moving to a new and perhaps very strange environment may appear  interesting and challenging to an unmarried young man and appallingly difficult to a slightly older man with a wife and small kids. Similarly, the need to lear n a new language and customs may excite one person and frighten another.? Regardless of why people move, migration of large numbers of people causes confl ict. The United States and other western countries have experienced adjustment p roblems with each new wave of immigrants. The newest arrivals are usually given the lowest-paid jobs and are resented by native people who may have to compete w ith them for those jobs. It has usually taken several decades for each group to be accepted into the mainstream of society in the host country.?

78.    The author thinks that pull factors___.?
A.    are all related to economic considerations?
B.    are not as decisive as push factors?
C.    include a range of considerations?
D.    are more important than push factors ?

79.    People’s decisions to migrate might be influenced by all the follow ing EXC EPT___.?
A.    personalities.                         B. education.? C.    marital status.                         D. abilities. ?

80.    The purpose of the passage is to discuss___.?
A.    the problems of international migrants?
B.    the motives of international migrants?
C.    migration inside the country?
D. migration between countries



In this section there are seven passages with a total often multiple-choice questions. Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.??


First read the following question.??
81.    This is a letter of___.?
A.    inquiry            B. complaint         C.explanation     D introduction ?

  Now, go through TEXT E quickly and answer question 81.??

Flat 24?

Park Mansions?

Newbury Road??

  The Manager?

Reliable Motors Ltd.?

876 Meadow Street 14th May 2002??

Dear Sir,?

I am writing to you concerning the Bernster Special 150 SE that I bought from yo u two weeks ago. The car has now developed the following faults:?

1.    The steering wheel is loose.?

2.    The hand brake does not work.?

3.    Oil is leaking from the engine.?

4.    The driver’s door-does not close properly.?

Will you please telephone me and we can arrange for you to collect the car. Unle ss you can put the car in perfect working order, 1 am afraid I shall report your  company to the Consumers’ Association.?

                                                                                                                                                                                Yours faithfully,?

                                                                                                                                                                                  Tony Lockwood??


First read the following question.???

82.    The passage is mainly about___.?
A.    Christmas sales B.    retailing business? C.    Internet population D.    online shopping ??

     Now, go through TEXT F quickly and answer question 82.Online shopping (网上购物) has become a major force in retailing this year with more than US$1 billion in Christmas season sales, industry analysts say.The figure for the holiday tops the total for Internet shopping in all of 1996. Online shopping for the holiday season remained just a drop in the ocean of the estimated? US$450 bilion spent by US consumers. But the figure is growing rapidly.International Data Corporation, a market research group, predicts the World Wide  Web (万维网) population will reach almost 100 million by 1998 and that online c ommerce will grow to more than US$20 billion.?


First read the following question??

83.    The passage discusses the aim of___.?

A.    the organization        B.    blood centres in the USA? C.    FDA new rules       D. AIDS prevention ??

Now, go through TEXT G quick and answer question 83.??

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is taking steps to protect the country’s blood supply. People give blood to the centres, where it is kept until it is needed for medical purposes.? The FDA has provided new rules for the blood centres. The government agency says  new rules are designed to improve the blood supply system.? The new rules call for blood centres to develop more ways to make sure their wor k is done correctly.These rules are another way to help keep the blood supply pure. A leading concer n is that someone with AIDS virus might give blood to a blood centre. For this r eason, there are tests to find out if blood contains viruses that cause AIDS and other diseases.?? 


First read the following question.??

84.    The passage advertises overseas___.?
A.    jobs   B.   studies      C.   travel    D.      aid

Now, go through TEXT H quickly and answer question 84.??


  Are you looking for something interesting to do? Then why not work abroad for a year or two?? We have jobs in most parts of the world —including Europe, Africa and Southeast  Asia.We have jobs for teachers, doctors, nurses, engineers, car mechanics and many ot hers.? Why not see the world? We cannot offer you very much money, but the work is interesting. You can learn another language and work with people, too.For more information write to us at:?


110 Spring Gardens,?

London SW ! 7BC?

Please send your personal information (date of birth, educational qualifications , interests. experiences, etc.)? 


First read the following questions.??
85.    Which number would you dial for home nursing??
A.    0734 442456 B.    0734 442675? C.    08675 559478 D.    08675 564499 ?

86.    Blood donors are advised to contact___.?
A.    Berkshire county office B.    St. John Ambulance? C.    John Radcliffe Hospital D.    Royal Berkshire Hospital ?

Now, go through TEXT I quickly and answer questions 85 and 86.??



In All Emergencies Dial 999??

St John Ambulance:?

Berkshire County Office - ST John Centre Church Rd, Woodley. Reading, RG5 4QN.0734 442456.?

For details of first aid at work unit contact 0734 442675.?

Oxfordshire - St John House High St, Kidlington, Oxford. 0X5 2DN 08675 559478: Association; 08675 564499 Brigade, ambulance, home nursing, loan of medical equipment and first aid at work unit.?


For information contact-?

Oxford Regional Blood Transfusion Service: John Radcliffe Hospital Headley Way,Headington, Oxford, 0X3 9DU 0865 642831?


Royal Berkshire Hospital: London Rd. Reading, RGI SAN. 0734 875111. ( Accident and emergency patients to South Wing).??


First read the following questions.??

87.    If you leave for Hong Kong on March l6th, you pay___.?
A.    $799  B.   $849    C.  $829     D. $969 ?

88.    What is NOT included in the price??
A.    Local dept tax.      B.  Return flights.? C.    Transfers.         D.    Accommodation. ?

Now, go through TEXT J quickly and answer questions 87 and 88.??


from? $799??


Enjoy 5 nights in Hong Kong from $799?

New World Harbour View:  Superior 1St class hotel in good location on Hong Kong Island.?

Superb swimming pool, tennis courts, restaurants, bars. Rooms with harbour view and ?

Airconditioning, tea/coffee making facilities, minibar. TV, bath and shower.?

      Departure dates:   Price:?

      02,10 Mar $799?

      09,16 Mar $849?

      17 Mar $829?

      15 Apr $969?

      27 Apr, 04, 18 May $999??

The price includes: Return flights. 5 nts accom (no meals). Transfers. Prices are per person sharing a twin room.?

Not included: UK dept tax. Local dept tax. Optional insurance: $30.?

To book, telephone: (open daily inc Sat/Sun)?

Tel:  01306 774300?

Fax: 01306 740328?


First read the following questions.??

89.    On hearing the fire alarm, those in class should go to___.?
A.    A Block       B.  B Block? C.    C Block       D.  the Assembly Area ?

90.    What should you do during the fire alarm??
A.    Make use of the lift.?
B.    Collect personal things.?
C.    Move along without noise.?
D.    Overtake others on the way. ?

Now, go through TEXT K quickly and answer questions 89 and 90.??






The Fire Alarm Bells will ring either in the area of A Block or in the area of B

Block and C Block. Those in the area where the Alarm Bells are ringing should t ake action as indicated below.? Others should continue with their work.??


1. Those in class: will go to the Assembly Area under instructions given by the teacher.?

2.  Those elsewhere: will go to the Assembly Area by the most sensible route, and stay near the Head of their Department. ??


The Assembly Area is the playing field which is south of the Sports Hall. Here n ames will be checked.??


1 .Move quietly.?

2.Do NOT stop to collect your personal belongings.?

3.Do NOT attempt to pass others on your way to the Assembly Area.?

4.Do NOT use the lift.??


Fire Alarms are situated as follows:?

1.     A Block?

At the Reception Desk; at east end of connecting corridor; outside the kitchen d oor. ?

2.     B Block?

At the bottom of both stairways and on each landing. ?

3.  C Block?

Inside entrance lobby of Sports Hall.


TIME LIMIT: 140 MIN.??? 

Part Ⅰ WRITING  [45 MIN.]?
   We see advertisements on television every day. Some people think that TV advertising brings us benefits, hut others ?don ’t? think so. What is your opinion?? Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE a composition of about 150 words on the following topic: ??


You are to write in three paragraphs.?
In the first paragraph, state just ONE major advantage or disadvantage of TV adv ertising.? In the second paragraph, give one or two reasons to support your point of view.? In the last paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion.? Marks will he awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failur e to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.???


  ?Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following sit uation:You’ve learned that your friend Jimmy is ill these days. Write him a note expressing your concern, asking after his health and giving your best wishes..Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.?




United Nations Day?

     The 24th of October is celebrated as United Nations Day. h is a day that belongs to everyone. And it is celebrated in most countries of the world. Some countries celebrate for a week instead of a day.?

      In many parts of the world, schools have special programs for the day. Boys and girls in some communities decorate a UN tree. In other communities, young people put on plays about the UN. Some libraries exhibit children’s art works from around the world. Schools celebrate with the songs and dances of other countries or give parties where foods of other countries are served. No matter how the day is celebrated, the purpose of these celebrations is to help everyone understand the UN, and the important roles it plays in world affairs. The UN encourages people to learn about other lands and their customs. In this way, people can gain a better understanding and appreciation of peoples all over the world.?



1. During this morning’s test, I couldn’t do the last four questions, but I did the first five.?

2. According to Jane there is no better cheese than Swiss cheese in our local supermarket.?

3. Before going to the gas station to have his tank filled, John had his emergency brake    checked and fixed at the service station near the local cinema.?

4. Betty would rather that her husband didn’t send away the cleaning lady, but he will anyway.?

5. Fred would have paid twice as much as he did for his car if the salesman had insisted, as he really needed a car.?

6. The idea of permanent education is practical because people are never really too old to go on learning. Of course there are certain limits but these are not age limits.?

7. It is getting much easier to travel nowadays, but increasingly harder to get away from people, and that is perhaps the most difficult thing for holiday makers.?

8. According to Tom, William lost his job not because he was always sick and usually went to work late, but because he made a big error in last month’s accounting and the boss was angry with him.?


9. W: Do you know that Mark turned down that job offer by a travel agency??

M: Yeah, the hours were convenient, but he wouldn’t have been able to make ends meet.?

10. W: Can we eat somewhere else? Very few small restaurants like this serve good food.?

M: I know, but there isn’t anywhere else in this town. Look! The waiter is coming over for our order.?

11. W: Mary is fluent in English and she’s just started to learn Japanese.?

M: I hear she also knows a few words in Chinese and French.?

12. M: John must have been joking when he said that he was going to live in Boston.?

     W: Don’t be so sure. He told me that he was looking for an agent to sell his house.?

13. W: Excuse me, I wonder if the bus would come at all. It’s already 10:45.?

M: Oh, I’m afraid you’ve just missed the last one which left 5 minutes ago.?

14. W: Hi, John, haven’t seen you for a quite few days. I heard you’ve been sick. How are you feeling now??

M: They must confuse me with my brother, Jack. Anyway, he is feeling better now.?

15. W: After the way it is being used, the photocopier is not going to make it through the rest of the year.?

M: The year! It’s supposed to be good for four!?

16. W: Look at all those cars and trucks lined up for the ferry. There must be at least 40 ahead of ours.?

M: True, I think it will take  quite a while for us to be on board.?


News Item One (17-18)?

Haitian hunger strikers at the US labor base at Guantannamo Bay, Cuba, have begun refusing all fluids and medical treatments. 15 of the 267 Haitians are at the base. 7 are prepared to die, if necessary, to force the US to admit the rest of them. The Haitians are eligible to pursue political asylum in the US, but have been barred from entry because most have the AIDS virus. The Clinton Administration says they would lift the ban on their entry, but it is not known when.?

News Item Two (19)?

The top three US auto-makers have decided not to proceed with plans to file a trade complaint with Japanese auto-makers. General Motors, Ford and Chrysler had planned to accuse Japanese companies of dumping cars below market prices in the US, but they dropped the idea, citing a pledge by the Clinton Administration to address the US-Japan trade imbalance.?

News Item Three (20-21)?

About 100 people are now known have died in what has been described as “the worst storm” ever to hit the eastern US this century. The hurricane-force winds first struck the Gulf of Mexico and have now spread across the Canadian border, continuing to bring reckless snowfalls, severe flooding, and causing millions of dollars in damage. All major airports have now reopened and airlines are beginning to cope with a backlog of thousands of stranded passengers. The storm also paralyzed areas of Cuba, where several people were killed, and property and crops destroyed.?

News Item Four (22)?

France has carried out another underground nuclear test in the South Pacific. It is the fifth in the region since September.  The test was conducted at the Moruroa atoll on Wednesday. Paris has come under strong criticism for its nuclear testing programme, especially from Asia-Pacific countries.  A State Department spokeswoman in Washington expressed disappointment at the latest French test. France has promised to sign a global test ban treaty after it completes its current series of nuclear tests in the Pacific.?

News Item Five (23)?

     The association representing British airline pilots says that there is an urgent need to raise levels of air safety throughout the world. In the statement,the association, known as Bobo, warns that unless air safety improves travelers face a perilous future. The association also said that the standard of training must be raised among fly crews and air traffic controllers as the sky has become ever more crowded.?

News Item Six (24-25)?

The Western European Union, the defense organization linking most countries of the European Community, is meeting in Luxembourg to discuss ways to reinforce economic sanctions against the Serbs by tightening controls on the River Danube. It is expected to approve of a proposal to send patrol boats manned by armed police and customs officers with power to search and turn back ships suspected of breaking the sanctions.International efforts to isolate Serbia have been undermined by ships carrying oil and other illegal supplies from the Black Sea region along the Danube into the former Yugoslavia after ignoring attempts by the local authorities to stop them. It is reported that most of the illegal traffic of goods is believed to be arriving in Serbia over land from Greece and former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonian.??



【详细解答】解答本题的关键是听清“I couldn’t do the last four … but I did the first five.”这里是说她不会做后面的四个题,但做了前面的五个题,故选项C为正确答案。?

【问句译文】 Jane认为瑞士奶酪怎样??
【详细解答】解答本题的关键词是“no better cheese than Swiss cheese ”,由此可知,Jane认为瑞士奶酪是最好的,故选A。?

【详细解答】解答本题的关键是分清做事的先后顺序,“Before...John had his emergency brake checked and fixed at the service station…”,由此得出John应该首先去“the service station”。?

【详细解答】 解答本题的关键词有would rather(宁愿……倒愿意……)和send away(解雇,开除,赶走)。故“Betty would rather that her husband didn’t send away…”是说“Betty倒宁愿丈夫不解雇那个清洁女工,但她丈夫将会解雇她。”故选项C为正确答案。

【详细解答】解答本题的关键是要听出这是一个虚拟语气句,“…would have paid twice as mush as he did…if the salesman had insisted…”,意思是说“如果售货员坚持的话,Fred宁愿为此付两倍的价钱。”由此可知,售货员没有坚持原价,Fred只用要价的一半的钱就把车买下了。?

【详细解答】在谈到终身教育时,讲话者说“Of course there are certain limits but these are not age limits.”由此可知,选项B为正确答案。?

【详细解答】解答本题的关键句是“And that is perhaps the most difficult…”,但这里的that指的是上句中的“get away from people”,故本题的正确答案为B。?

【详细解答】只要听清关键句“…because he made a big error…”,就可判断正确答案为C。?


【详细解答】当女士说到Mark拒绝了那份工作时,男士说“the hours were convenient but he wouldn’t have been able to make ends meet.”由此可以看出,Mark嫌这份工作的薪水太低,所以拒绝了。?

【详细解答】本题可以从女士的话中推理出答案,她说“Very few small restaurants like this serve good food”,即“很少有像这样的小餐馆能提供好的食物的。”也就是说这餐馆的食物可能不好吃,因此答案选B。?

11.答案:D ?
【详细解答】解答本题的关键词是“fluent in English”,由此判断Mary说得好的是英语。?

