

分类: 法律英语考试 

劳 动 契 约



聘雇许可函字号: 契约日期:

CLA file NO of the Employment Permit: DATE:

立合约书人: (以下简称甲方)


电话: 传真:

与 护照号码: (以下简称乙方)

The Agreement is made on



Tel: Fax:

(hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYER”)

And Passport No:

(hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYEE”)


Both parties agree on the following terms and conditions:


甲方雇用乙方担任 之工别,每月薪资新台币15,840元,工资由甲方于次月日以现金给付乙方,惟经乙方同意时,亦得将工资直接拨付至乙方银行帐户中。该薪资之一部份依业务性质将以每日三餐之膳食及住宿等实物给付抵付之(以膳食及住宿抵付时,每日三餐折合新台币 (A) 元;住宿每月计新台币 (B) 元,二者合计新台币 (C) 元)。除法律另有规定者外,甲方不得自工资中扣除任何款项。

1.Job Category and Wages

The Employer hereby engages the Employee to work in the capacity as GENERAL WORKER at the rate of NT$ 15,840 per month. Wages shall be paid from the Employer to the Employee in cash no later than TEN days of the following month in one payment, otherwise, the payment of wages directly into the Employee's bank account may be made with the consent of the Employee. A part of such wages, by business nature, is paid in kind such as the expenses for three meals per day and lodging, which amount to NT$ _(C) _ for the said expense shall be deducted from a part of the wages at the rate of NT$ (A) three meals per day, and NT$ (C) per month for lodging. Any deduction from such wages of the Employee is not allowable to be made by the Employer unless otherwise prescribed by applicable laws or regulations.

2. 聘雇期间及工作地点

聘雇期间为年 月 日,自乙方抵达台湾入境起至离境止,工作地点在 .有继续聘雇需要者,甲方与乙方同意展延,并应将展延许可及展延契约副本送至贸易经济办事处(劳工处)作为参考。乙方展延期间之劳动条件,不得低于原标准。

2. Duration of Contract and Working site

The duration of the Employment is year(s) month(s) day(s) commencing from the date of arrival in Taiwan of the Employee to the departure from Taiwan. The working place is at

or designated worksite. In case of necessity, the Employer may apply to a permit for extension of the Employment by mutual agreement. The Employer shall submit the extension permit and a copy of the extended contract, which shall be made under the same or better terms and conditions than this contract, to Trade & Economic Office(Labor Affairs Division)for reference.


乙方开始为甲方工作日起之初期四十天为试用期间,乙方于试用期间对于所担任之工作确不能胜任时,甲方得另派其它工作或职位给乙方,或终止聘雇遣返乙方回 .

3.Period of Probation

The Employee shall work on probation for a period of forty (40) days, starting from the first workday. Should the Employee be found during the period of probation that he is confirmed to be incompetent for his job duties, the Employer may either assign another appropriate job or position with the consent of the Employee, or terminate contract and repatriate the Employee to domicile in .



4.Work Hours

The Employee shall not have regular working hours in excess of eight (8) hours a day and eighty-four (84) hours every two weeks. After having worked for four hours the Employee shall be permitted to have time off for at least 30 minutes


5.1 乙方于每七日中至少应有一日并获得正常工资之例假日。

5.2 乙方于纪念日、劳动节日及其它由中央主管机关规定应放假之日,均应休假。

5.3 乙方于完成其一年之工作且继续工作时,得于次年工作期间享有七天特别休假。

5. Leave off

5.1 The employee shall have one regular day off with pay in every seven days.

5.2 The Employee shall be granted time off on all holidays, Labor Day and the days that prescribed by the central competent authority.

5.3 After completing his one-year Employment, the Employee shall have 7 days special leave with pay in the duration of the Employment by next year.



6.1 延长工作时间在两小时以内者,按平日每小时工资加给三分之一。

6.2 延长工作时间在两小时以上,但未达四小时者,按平日每小时工资加给三分之二。

6.3 因天灾、事变或突发事件必须于正常工作时间以外工作者,甲方得延长第四条规定之工作时间,按平日每小时工资额加倍给付工资。

6.4 若乙方必须在本合约第五条所述之休假日(5.2)、特别休假日(5.3)工作,则应按正常每小时工资加倍给付工资。


The Employer shall pay the Employee wages for overtime with consent, if necessary , on the following rate:

6.1 Where the overtime does not exceed 2 hours, the Employee shall be paid in addition to his regular hourly wage, an additional 1/3 of regular hourly rate (NT$ 88 per hour)。

6.2 Where the overtime is over two hours, but does not exceed four hours, the employee shall be paid in addition to his regular hourly wage, an additional 2/3 of regular hourly rate (NT$ 110 per hour)。

6.3 Where the overtime is required owing to the occurrence of an act of God, accident or unexpected matter, the Employer may extend the working hours prescribed on article 4, the Employee shall be paid an overtime wage two times his regular hourly rate (NT$ 132 per hour)。

6.4 If the Employee is required to work on statutory holidays under article 5.2, special leave under article 5.3, the Employee shall be paid an overtime wage two times his regular hourly rate (NT$ 132 per hour)。




7.Expenses for meals

The Employer shall provide the Employee three meals per day, including regular day off, statutory holiday, special leave, and sickness leave period, at the rate of NT$ per day, which deducted from the wages.


甲方应于契约存续期间提供乙方安全卫生设施完善之宿舍,乙方应住甲方提供之宿舍不得外宿,其费用每月计新台币 元,由工资中抵付之。


During the duration of employment the Employer shall provide the Employee the dormitories with safety, health, good and suitable installations. The Employee shall live in assigned lodging and shall not live outside. The expense of lodging is NT$ per month, deducted from the wages.



9.Legal Social Insurance and Funeral Service

During the period of employment the Employee shall be protected with imposition of premiums and compensations of the Labor Insurance and the National Health Insurance. In the event of death of the Employee, the Employer shall bear all expenses incurred due to the transportation of the corpse as well as his personal belongings to his domicile in .



10. Ordinary Sick Leave

For ordinary sick leave not exceeding thirty (30) days in one year, the Employee shall be entitled to half pay.


乙方自 来台工作及工作期满后返国之机票,由乙方自行负担。

11. Traveling Expenses

The expenses caused by flight for coming from …………………… to Taiwan & returning to domicile in

upon completion of the contract shall be born by the Employee.


12.1 乙方应遵循甲方之公司规定及当地法律,并遵循所在地之传统及风俗习惯。

12.2 乙方仅能于甲方公司工作。

12.3 乙方不得参与抗议、示威、游行等非法活动。


12.1 The Employee shall abide the work rules and regulations of the Employer's company stipulated in conformity with the R.O.C. laws as well as the local traditions and customs.

12.2 The Employee shall work only for the Employer's company.

12.3 The Employee shall not engage in any unlawful activities such as sit-in, strike, protest or demonstration.


13.1 于试用期间,乙方未尽职责,甲方得终止本契约,并将乙方遣返回 ,乙方应无异议,无条件立即返回,国外中介公司应负担乙方回程之机票及其有关费用。

13.2 于试用期间,乙方未通过医院之健康检查项目如:X 光肺部检查、HIV抗体检查、梅毒血清检查、B 型肝炎表面抗原检查、疟疾血片检查、肠内寄生虫(含痢疾阿米巴等原虫)粪便检查、安非他命、吗啡尿液检查、妊娠检查、一般体格检查(含精神状态)及癞病检查或其它中央卫生主管机关指定检查项目,甲方得终止本契约并将乙方遣返回 ,乙方应无异议,无条件立即返回。国外中介公司应负担乙方回程之机票及其有关费用。

13.3 发生下列情况之一时,甲方得终止本契约,并将乙方遣返 ,乙方应无异议,无条件立即返回 .乙方应自行负担或偿还由甲方或第三者先行代付之回程机票及其有关费用。











13.Termination of the Contract

13.1 Should the Employee be incompetent to perform his duties during the period of probation, the Employer may terminate this contract and repatriate him back to , the Employee shall immediately and unconditionally return to domicile in without objection. The expenses caused by round-trip flight ticket and others under this article shall be born by the concerned recruiting agency.

13.2 During the period of probation, shall the Employee‘s health examination record show abnormal in any of the items checked, i.e. Chest x-ray, HIV antibody check, Proges-Salomon test, Hepatitis B surface antigen test, Malaria plate test, Faeces examination for intestinal parasites (including protozoa such as dysentery and amoeba), Urine examination for amphetamine and morphine, Pregnancy test, General physical examination (including mental state) and pellagra test,, etc, or the central health authorities altered any of the health examination items, the Employer may terminate this contract and repatriate him back to . The Employee shall immediately and unconditionally return to with no objection. His round-trip flight ticket and other expenses incurred shall burn by the recruiting agency.

13.3 In the event the Employee is found to have violated any of the followings, the Employer may terminate this contract and repatriate him back to , the Employee shall immediately and unconditionally return to without objection. The Employee shall be responsible for his round - trip flight ticket and all other concerned expenses or reimburse such expenses to the Employer or to the third person, who has paid such expenses in advance.

(A) Residing in the R.O.C. with his dependents other than temporary visiting purpose.

(B) Getting married during his employment in Taiwan.

(C) Found to suffer from HIV Positive Antibody, Tuberculosis, Venereal Disease, etc., or the central health authorities altered any of the health examination items, during the period of employment.

(D) Lost his original ability to work.

(E) Engaged in a third party other than the Employer.

(F) Having acted against public orders or good morals.

(G) Violation of other laws or regulations of the Republic of China with serious consequences.

(H) Disobeying commands or instructions of the Employer or the representative of the Employer, and has already received warning notice for three times.

(I) Where the Employee is continuously absent from work without reasonable excuses for three days in a row or six days in a month.

(J) Ruining the property of the Employer or disclosing technological or confidential information of the Employer deliberately. All the expenses due to the damages caused by the above activities shall be born by the Employee.




This contract shall be in Chinese, and English correspondingly. In case of discrepancies in interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.


15.1 甲方依法应为乙方负担健康检查、外侨居留证等相关手续费用,以及在台期间之就业服务管理费用。

15.2 如发生天然灾害、暴动、战争或不可抗力之事件,甲方应疏散乙方至安全地区,假如疏散后尚无法继续工作,甲方应负责将乙方遣返,并应负担其一切费用。

15.3 若有未尽事宜,皆依中华民国劳动法规及相关规定办理。

15.4 如甲方未遵守本契约之全部或部份条文,甲方应负担乙方因此所导致之所有损失。

15.5 乙方应严格遵守并配合甲方工作规则与相关规定。

15.6 乙方应遵守并配合劳工安全卫生法规相关规定。


15.1 The Employer is responsible for fees and expenses incurred on the acquisition of Alien Resident Certificate and medical examination in accordance with the laws and regulations of the R.O.C., as well as the employment service or management fees.

15.2 Should there be any natural disaster, riot, uprising, or war, the Employer shall evacuate the Employee to a safe area. In case the situation is no longer conducive for the continuity of work, the Employer shall arrange and pay for all the expenses for repatriation of the Employee.

15.3 Any other terms and conditions not mentioned in this contract shall be in accordance with the stipulations of the labor laws and regulations of the R.O.C.

15.4 In case the Employer fails to implement any of the conditions agreed in this contract in full or in part, the Employee shall be responsible to all the losses incurred to the Employee.

15.5 The Employee shall strictly observe and comply with the Employer's work rules and relevant regulations.

15.6 The Employee hereto shall observe and comply with regulations concerning the Labor Safety and Health Law.


This employment contract is made in duplicate and shall be authenticated by the government authorities concerned. Each party shall hold one copy. Photocopies shall be submitted to the R.O.C. government authorities abroad as well as the recruiter for reference.


In witness whereof, the undersigned, having fully understood the contents of the contract stated herein, have signed this agreement.

甲方(雇主)签署 EMPLOYER 乙方(受雇者)签署 EMPLOYEE






