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中华人民共和国母婴保健法Law of the People's Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care

(Adopted at the Tenth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on October 27, 1994)

第一章 总 则
Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为了保障母亲和婴儿健康,提高出生人口素质,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution with a view to ensuring the health of mothers and infants and improving the quality of the newborn population.

第二条 国家发展母婴保健事业,提供必要条件和物质帮助,使母亲和婴儿获得医疗保健服务。
Article 2 The State shall develop the maternal and infant health care undertakings and provide necessary conditions and material aids so as to ensure that mothers and infants receive medical and health care services.

The State shall support and assist the maternal and infant health care undertakings in outlying and poverty-stricken areas.

第三条 各级人民政府领导母婴保健工作。
Article 3 People's governments at various levels shall exercise leadership in the work of maternal and infant health care.

The undertakings of maternal and infant health care shall be included in the plans for national economic and social development.

第四条 国务院卫生行政部门主管全国母婴保健工作,根据不同地区情况提出分级分类指导原则,并对全国母婴保健工作实施监督管理。
Article 4 The administrative department of public health under the State Council shall be in charge of the work of maternal and infant health care throughout the country, put forth the guiding principles for the work in different areas and at different administrative levels in light of their specific conditions, and exercise supervision and management of the nationwide work of maternal and infant health care.

Other relevant departments under the State Council shall, within the scope of their respective functions and duties, cooperate with the administrative department of public health to make a success of the work of maternal and infant health care.

第五条 国家鼓励、支持母婴保健领域的教育和科学研究,推广先进、实用的母婴保健技术,普及母婴保健科学知识。
Article 5 The State shall encourage and support education and scientific research in the field of maternal and infant health care, popularize the advanced and practical technique for maternal and infant health care and disseminate the scientific knowledge in this field.

第六条 对在母婴保健工作中做出显著成绩和在母婴保健科学研究中取得显著成果的组织和个人,应当给予奖励。
Article 6 Awards shall be granted to organizations and individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the work of maternal and infant health care or achieved significant results in scientific research of maternal and infant health care.

第二章 婚前保健
Chapter II Pre-marital Health Care

第七条 医疗保健机构应当为公民提供婚前保健服务。
Article 7 Medical and health institutions shall provide citizens with pre-marital health-care services.

Pre-marital health-care services shall include the following:

(1) pre-marital health instruction: education in sex, human reproduction and genetic diseases;

(2) pre-marital health consultation: medical advice on matters relating to marriage and child-bearing, etc.; and

(3) pre-marital medical examination: medical examination conducted for both the male and female planning to be married to see whether they suffer from any disease that may have an adverse effect on marriage and child-bearing.

第八条 婚前医学检查包括对下列疾病的检查:
Article 8 Pre-marital medical examination shall include the examination of the following diseases:

(1) genetic diseases of a serious nature;

(2) target infectious diseases; and

(3) relevant mental diseases.

After pre-marital medical examination, the medical and health institution shall issue a certificate of pre-marital medical examination.

第九条 经婚前医学检查,对患指定传染病在传染期内或者有关精神病在发病期内的,医师应当提出医学意见;准备结婚的男女双方应当暂缓结婚。
Article 9 Physicians shall, after pre-marital medical examination, give medical advice to those who are in the infective period of any target infectious disease or who are in the morbid period of any re-levant mental disease; both the male and female planning to be married shall postpone their marriage for the time being.

第十条 经婚前医学检查,对诊断患医学上认为不宜生育的严重遗传性疾病的,医师应当向男女双方说明情况,提出医学意见;经男女双方同意,采取长效避孕措施或者施行结扎手术后不生育的,可以结婚。但《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定禁止结婚的除外。
Article 10 After pre-marital medical examination, physicians shall, in respect of the male or female who has been diagnosed with certain genetic disease of a serious nature which is considered to be inappropriate for child-bearing from a medical point of view, explain the situations and give medical advice to both the male and the female; those who, with the consent of both the male and the female, after taking long-term contraceptive measures or performance of ligation operations, are unable to bear children may get married. However, the circumstances under which marriage may not be contracted under the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China shall be excepted.

第十一条 接受婚前医学检查的人员对检查结果持有异议的,可以申请医学技术鉴定,取得医学鉴定证明。
Article 11 Those who have received pre-marital medical examination hold dissenting views on the results of the medical examination may apply for a medical technical appraisement and obtain a certificate of medical appraisement.

第十二条 男女双方在结婚登记时,应当持有婚前医学检查证明或者医学鉴定证明。
Article 12 Both the male and the female shall, in making marriage registration, hold their certificates of pre-marital medical examination or certificates of medical technical appraisement.

第十三条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据本地区的实际情况,制定婚前医学检查制度实施办法。
Article 13 The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, on the basis of the actual conditions of their respective areas, formulate measures for implementing the pre-marital medical examination system.

The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall fix reasonable rates of charges for pre-marital medical examination. Such charges may be reduced or exempted for people who live in outlying and poverty-stricken areas or people who have true difficulties to pay.

第三章 孕产期保健
Chapter III Health Care During the Pregnant and Perinatal Period

第十四条 医疗保健机构应当为育龄妇女和孕产妇提供孕产期保健服务。
Article 14 Medical and health institutions shall provide health-care services to women in their child-bearing age or women during the pregnant and perinatal period.

Health-care services during the pregnant and perinatal period shall include the following:

(l) instruction on maternal and infant health care: medical advice on breeding healthy offspring and on the pathogenic factors, treatment and prevention of serious genetic diseases and endemic diseases such as the iodine deficiency syndrome;

(2) health care for pregnant women and lying-in women: consultation and instruction on hygiene, nutrition and psychology, etc. and medical health-care services such as regular prenatal physical check-up;

(3) health care for the fetus: monitoring care, consultancy and medical advice for the growth of the fetus; and

(4) health care for newborn babies: medical and health-care services for the growth, feeding and nursing of newborn babies.

第十五条 对患严重疾病或者接触致畸物质,妊娠可能危及孕妇生命安全或者可能严重影响孕妇健康和胎儿正常发育的,医疗保健机构应当予以医学指导。
Article 15 Medical and health institutions shall give medical advice to the pregnant women who are suffering from serious illness or are exposed to teratogenic substances, if their gestation may jeopardize the safety of their lives, or seriously affect their health or the normal development of the fetus.

第十六条 医师发现或者怀疑患严重遗传性疾病的育龄夫妻,应当提出医学意见。育龄夫妻应当根据医师的医学意见采取相应的措施。
Article 16 If a physician detects or suspects that a married couple in their child-bearing age suffer from genetic disease of a serious nature, the physician shall give them medical advice, according to which the said couple shall take corresponding measures.

第十七条 经产前检查,医师发现或者怀疑胎儿异常的,应当对孕妇进行产前诊断。
Article 17 After antenatal examination, if a physician detects or suspects an abnormality with the fetus, he shall make prenatal diagnosis for the pregnant woman.

第十八条 经产前诊断,有下列情形之一的,医师应当向夫妻双方说明情况,并提出终止妊娠的医学意见:
Article 18 If one of the following cases is detected in the pre-natal diagnosis, the physician shall explain the situations to the married couple and give them medical advice on a termination of gestation:

(1) the fetus is suffering from a genetic disease of a serious nature;

(2) the fetus is with a defect of a serious nature; or

(3) continued gestation may jeopardize the safety of life of the pregnant woman or seriously impair her health, due to the serious disease she suffers from.

第十九条 依照本法规定施行终止妊娠或者结扎手术,应当经本人同意,并签署意见。本人无行为能力的,应当经其监护人同意,并签署意见。
Article 19 Termination of gestation or performance of ligation operations practised in accordance with the provisions of this Law shall be subject to the consent and signing of the person per se. If the person per se has no capacity for civil conduct, it shall be subject to the consent and signing of the guardian of the person.

Whoever is to terminate gestation or receive ligation operations under this Law shall receive such services free of charge.

第二十条 生育过严重缺陷患儿的妇女再次妊娠前,夫妻双方应当到县级以上医疗保健机构接受医学检查。
Article 20 In respect of a woman who has given birth to an infant with a serious defect, prior to her second gestation, both the husband and the wife shall receive medical examination in a medical and health institution at or above the county level.

第二十一条 医师和助产人员应当严格遵守有关操作规程,提高助产技术和服务质量,预防和减少产伤。
Article 21 Physicians and midwives shall strictly observe re-levant operational procedures, improve the skills of midwifery and the quality of services so as to prevent or reduce maternal injuries.

第二十二条 不能住院分娩的孕妇应当由经过培训合格的接生人员实行消毒接生。
Article 22 Pregnant women who cannot be hospitalized for deli-very shall receive sterilized midwifery by trained and qualified midwives.

第二十三条 医疗保健机构和从事家庭接生的人员按照国务院卫生行政部门的规定,出具统一制发的新生儿出生医学证明;有产妇和婴儿死亡以及新生儿出生缺陷情况的,应当向卫生行政部门报告。
Article 23 Medical and health institutions and midwives engaged in home delivery shall, as prescribed by the administrative department of public health under the State Council, issue uniformly prepared medical certificates for childbirths, and report to the administrative department of public health, if a lying-in woman or an infant dies or a defective baby is born.

第二十四条 医疗保健机构为产妇提供科学育儿、合理营养和母乳喂养的指导。
Article 24 Medical and health institutions shall provide lying-in women with guidance as to the scientific way of rearing babies, ration-al nutrition and breastfeeding.

Medical and health institutions shall give physical check-up and preventive inoculation to infants, and gradually develop medical and healthcare services such as the screening examination of diseases of newborn babies, the prevention and control of frequently occurring and commonly-seen diseases among infants.

第四章 技术鉴定
Chapter IV Technical Appraisement

第二十五条 县级以上地方人民政府可以设立医学技术鉴定组织,负责对婚前医学检查、遗传病诊断和产前诊断结果有异议的进行医学技术鉴定。
Article 25 The local people's governments at or above the county level may establish institutions for medical technical appraisement which shall be responsible for making medical technical appraisement when dissenting views arises on the results of pre-marital medical examination, genetic diseases diagnosis or prenatal diagnosis.

第二十六条 从事医学技术鉴定的人员,必须具有临床经验和医学遗传学知识,并具有主治医师以上的专业技术职务。
Article 26 Personnel engaged in medical technical appraisement must have clinical experience, medical genetic knowledge and the professional title of physician-in-charge or above.

Component members of the medical technical appraisement institutions shall be nominated by the administrative departments of public health and engaged by the people's governments at the corresponding levels.

第二十七条 医学技术鉴定实行回避制度。凡与当事人有利害关系,可能影响公正鉴定的人员,应当回避。
Article 27 The challenge system shall be instituted in making medical technical appraisement. Personnel who has an interest in the party concerned, which may affect the impartiality of the appraisement, shall withdraw.

第五章 行政管理
Chapter V Administrative Management

第二十八条 各级人民政府应当采取措施,加强母婴保健工作,提高医疗保健服务水平,积极防治由环境因素所致严重危害母亲和婴儿健康的地方性高发性疾病,促进母婴保健事业的发展。
Article 28 People's governments at various levels shall take measures to strengthen the work of maternal and infant health care, to improve medical and health-care services, to work hard at preventing and controlling the frequently-occurring endemic diseases, caused by environmental factors, that are seriously jeopardizing the health of mothers and infants, thereby promoting the development of undertakings of maternal and infant health care.

第二十九条 县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门管理本行政区域内的母婴保健工作。
Article 29 Administrative departments of public health under the people's governments at or above the county level shall administer the work of maternal and infant health care within their respective administrative areas.

第三十条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门指定的医疗保健机构负责本行政区域内的母婴保健监测和技术指导。
Article 30 Medical and health institutions designated by the administrative departments of public health under the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for monitoring, and providing technical guidance to, the maternal and infant health care within their respective administrative areas.

第三十一条 医疗保健机构按照国务院卫生行政部门的规定,负责其职责范围内的母婴保健工作,建立医疗保健工作规范,提高医学技术水平,采取各种措施方便人民群众,做好母婴保健服务工作。
Article 31 Medical and health institutions shall, in accordance with the provisions of the administrative department of public health under the State Council, take the responsibility for the work of maternal and infant health care within the scope of their functions and duties, establish rules and regulations for medical and health care services, raise medical and technological level, and take measures for the convenience of the people so as to provide better services in maternal and infant health care.

第三十二条 医疗保健机构依照本法规定开展婚前医学检查、遗传病诊断、产前诊断以及施行结扎手术和终止妊娠手术的,必须符合国务院卫生行政部门规定的条件和技术标准,并经县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门许可。
Article 32 Medical and health institutions that in accordance with the provisions of this Law carry out pre-marital medical examination, genetic disease diagnosis and prenatal diagnosis, ligation operations and operations for termination of gestation must meet the requirements and technical standards set by the administrative department of public health under the State Council, and shall obtain the permission of the administrative departments of public health under the local people's governments at or above the county level.

Sex identification of the fetus by technical means shall be strictly forbidden, except that it is positively necessitated on medical grounds.

第三十三条 从事本法规定的遗传病诊断、产前诊断的人员,必须经过省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门的考核,并取得相应的合格证书。
Article 33 Personnel engaged in making genetic disease diagnosis or prenatal diagnosis as provided by this Law must pass the examination of the administrative department of public health under the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, and obtain a corresponding qualification certificate.

Personnel engaged in making pre-marital medical examination, performing ligation operations or operations for termination of gestation as provided by this Law and persons engaged in home delivery must pass the examination of the administrative department of public health under the people's government at or above the county level, and obtain a corresponding qualification certificate.

第三十四条 从事母婴保健工作的人员应当严格遵守职业道德,为当事人保守秘密。
Article 34 Personnel engaged in the work of maternal and infant health care shall strictly abide by the professional ethics and keep secrets for the parties concerned.

第六章 法律责任
Chapter VI Legal Liability

第三十五条 未取得国家颁发的有关合格证书的,有下列行为之一,县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门应当予以制止,并可以根据情节给予警告或者处以罚款:
Article 35 Where anyone who has not obtained a relevant qualification certificate issued by the State commits any of the following acts, the administrative department of public health under the local people's government at or above the county level shall stop such act and give a warning to or impose a fine upon him in light of the circumstances:

(1) to engage in pre-marital medical examination, genetic disease diagnosis, prenatal diagnosis or medical technical appraisement;

(2) to perform operations for termination of gestation; or

(3) to issue relevant medical certificate as stipulated by this Law.

The relevant medical certificate as mentioned in item (3) of the preceding paragraph shall be null and void.

第三十六条 未取得国家颁发的有关合格证书,施行终止妊娠手术或者采取其他方法终止妊娠,致人死亡、残疾、丧失或者基本丧失劳动能力的,依照刑法第一百三十四条、第一百三十五条的规定追究刑事责任。
Article 36 Where anyone who has not obtained relevant qualification certificate issued by the State performs operations for termination of gestation or terminates gestation by other means, thus causing death, disability, loss or basic loss of working ability, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the provisions of Article 134 and Article 135 of the Criminal Law.

第三十七条 从事母婴保健工作的人员违反本法规定,出具有关虚假医学证明或者进行胎儿性别鉴定的,由医疗保健机构或者卫生行政部门根据情节给予行政处分;情节严重的,依法取消执业资格。
Article 37 Where personnel engaged in the work of maternal and infant health care, in violation of the stipulations of this Law, issue fake medical certificates, or undertake sex identification of the fetus, medical and health institutions or administrative departments of public health shall in light of the circumstances give them administrative sanctions; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be disqualified for practice of their profession according to law.

第七章 附 则
Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

第三十八条 本法下列用语的含义:
Article 38 The definitions of the following terms as used in this Law are:

Target infectious diseasesó refer to AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, and leprosy specified in the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, as well as other infectious diseases that are medically considered to have adverse effects on marriage and reproduction;

Genetic diseases of a serious natureó refer to diseases that are caused by genetic factors congenitally, that may totally or partially deprive the victim of the ability to live independently, that are highly possible to recur in generations to come, and that are medically considered inappropriate for reproduction;

Relevant mental diseasesó refer to schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis and other mental diseases of a serious nature; and

Prenatal diagnosisó refers to diagnosis of the fetus regarding its congenital defect and hereditary diseases.

第三十九条 本法自1995年6月1日起施行。
Article 39 This Law shall become effective as of June 1, 1995.

