

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 

第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每 题1分,共15分)

1 She was close to success.
A fast B quickC tight D near

2 The two girls look alike
A similarB beautifulC pretty     D attractive

3 The boy is intelligent.
A naughty      B cleverC difficult     D  active

4 Everybody was glad to see Mary back
A sorry         B  sadC happy        D  angry

5 Zhat is your glad in life?
A aim               B planC arrangement     D idea

6 Jack was dismissed
A fined           B  firedC exhausted      D  criticized

7 John is crazy about pop music
A mad            B sorryC concerned      D worried

8 It is the movement, not the color, of objects that excites the bull.
A frightens      B   scaresC confuses       D arouses

9 It is highly unlikely that she will arrive today.
A very           B probablyC hardly         D possibly

10 I am feeling a lot more healthy than I was.
A many           B  noC some           D  much

11 Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat
A eat            B  cookC keep           D  freeze

12 We packed up the things we had accumulated (积累) over the last three years and
A late           B recentC final          D past

13 The expedition reached the summit at 10:30 that morning
A bottom of tile mountain   B  foot of the mountainC staring point             D top of the mountain

14 There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance.
A destroys              B  beatsC maintains             D  defends

15 The president proposed that we should bring the meeting to a close.
A stated                B  saidC announced          D  suggested

1 D2 A3 B4 C5 A
6 B7 A8 D9 A10 D
11 C12 13 D14 B15 D

