

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 
2. According to (根据)the third(第3) paragraph(段落), researchers (研究者)differed from (与...不同, 与...意见相左)each other (彼此)in the problem(问题) of
A.whether(是否) nuclear reaction (核反应)would occur(发生)
B.whether the stars would increase(增加) its density(密度) and temperature(温度)
C.whether shock waves (冲击波)would occur
D.whether the uneven(不均匀的) forces(力量) would flatten(使变平, 夷平) the stars
2.A. 利用问题句及被选项中的细节信息词(方框中的结构)作为答案线索,在文章中查找答案相关句:(第3段)When the star gets close enough, the uneven forces flatten it into a pancake shape. Some(一些) previous(以前的) studies(研究) had suggested(表明) this flattening(夷平) would increase(增加) the density(密度) and temperature(温度) inside(在...里面) the star enough(足够) to trigger(引发) intense(强烈的) nuclear reactions (核反应)that would tear it apart. But (考点提示词)other(其他的) studies(research的近义词) had suggested(表明) that the picture(图片,照片) would be complicated(复杂的) by shock waves (冲击波)generated(产生) during(在...期间) the flattening(夷平) process (过程)and that no nuclear explosion (核爆炸/与“核反应”词义相关)should occur(发生)(该句内容暗示可能选项A是答案). 该段中的第2句和第3句直接与问题相关, 这两种研究的焦点在于是否会引发核爆炸, 因此A是答案。
3. According to the fourth paragraph, which of the following is NOT true?
A.  No nuclear explosion would be triggered inside(在...里面) the star
B. The star would be destroyed(毁灭) completely(完全地)
C. Much of the star’s matter(物质) thrown(扔) by the explosion (爆炸)would be beyond(超过) the black hole’s reach(范围)
D. The black hole would completely(完全地) devour(吞没) the star
3.D.利用问题句及被选项中的细节信息词(方框中的结构)作为答案线索,在文章中查找答案相关句: The new simulations investigated the effects of shock waves in detail, and fund that even when their effects are included, the conditions favor a nuclear explosion. “There will be an explosion of the star. It will be completely destroyed,”Brassart says. Although(尽管) the explosion(爆炸) obliterates(除去, 毁灭) the star, it saves(挽救) some of the star’s matter(物质) from(防止) being devoured (吞灭)by the black hole(该句内容与D不一致). The explosion (爆炸) is powerful(强大的) enough(足够) to hurl(扔/throw的近义词) much of the star’s matter out of the black hole’s reach, he says.(该句内容与选项C内容一致) 选项D的说法与文章中相关内容(该段倒数第2句)不一致。
4. What will happen(发生) several(几个) months(月) after(在..之后) the explosion(爆炸) of the star?
A. The star’s matter will move further(更远地) away from (远离)by the black hole
B. the black hole’s matter will heat up(加热)
C. the black hole’s matter will swirl into (旋转进入)the black hole
D. the black hole’s matter will release(释放) ultraviolet(紫外线的) light(光) and X-rays(X 光)
4.C. 利用问题句及被选项中的细节信息词(方框中的结构)作为答案线索,在文章中查找答案相关句:
The new simulations investigated the effects of shock waves in detail, and fund that even when their effects are included, the conditions favor a nuclear explosion. “There will be an explosion of the star. It will be completely destroyed,”Brassart says.(第3题答案相关句) Although the explosion obliterates the star, it saves some of the start’s matter from being devoured by the black hole. The explosion is power enough to hurl much of the star’s matter out of the black holes’s reach, he says. (第5段)The devouring of stars by black holes may already have been observed, although at a much later stage. It is thought(认为) that several months after the event(事件) that rips(撕) the star apart(分离)(问题句中时间状语结构的近义结构) , its matter (物质)starts swirling into the hole itself. It heats up as it does so, releasing ultraviolet light and X-rays. 答案相关句在第5段, 根据该句中的用词可直接判断C是答案。
5. According to the context(上下文), the word “disruption(中断,破坏)” in paragraph 6 means(意味着)
A. confusion(混乱, 混淆)
B.tearing apart(撕裂, 破坏)
C. interruption(中断)
D. flattening(使变平)
5. B。 找到disruption在所在的语句, 其在句子中的搭配结构是“...恒星”, 文章主题涉及恒星的毁灭, 因此B最可能是答案。 If stars disrupted near(在...附近) black holes really(真正地) do(的确) explode(爆炸), then they could in principle allow these events to be detected at a much earlier stage, says Jules Halpern of Columbia University in New York, US. “It may make it possible(可能的) to see the disruption of that star immediately(立刻) if(如果) it gets hot enough.”

