Chinese youths who live, study and work in Western and other foreign countries surprised the world last month when they staged rallies to roar their a...
Olympic volunteers are now brushing up on their etiquette and so am I. In a Beijing university classroom last week I joined 200 students who were stud...
Earlier this month, I was in Guangzhou for a forum on modern literature. The participants hailed mostly from academic institutions and media organizat...
Before the smoke and dust surrounding the South China tiger photos taken in Shaanxi province settled, someone claimed to have successfully photographe...
A media report last week of how an elderly woman foiled a robbery attempt and even saved the wounded burglar's life has triggered debates among ne...
In 1995, the Reichstag building in Berlin was wrapped in white sheets by the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude as an art project.Recently, a building ...
任何语言都有语体之分,有高雅的、通俗的、粗野的,还有俚语、公文用语及术语等。文学作品中,作家通过不同的语体来刻画人物的性格特征,更是常用的方法。翻译时,必须审其雅俗,量其轻重,论其褒贬,即要注意同义词之间有不同的语体色彩、使用范围及程度,这样,才能恰如其分地表达原文的精神。(1) 词义有轻重的不同例...
Translation used to be a serious academic endeavor but now it has become a heavily market-oriented industry, and one in great disorder.Since China beg...
蝴蝶效应是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。这是一种混沌现象。对于这个效应最常见的阐述是:一个蝴蝶在巴西轻拍翅膀,可以导致一个月后德克萨斯州的一场龙卷风。” 这句话的来源,是由于这位气象学家制作了一个电脑程序,可以模拟气候的变化,并用图像来表示...
The Americans have a saying: George Washington slept here.Now, imagine if every place where Washington ever slept were turned into a museum and honore...