一、琅琅上口的叠声词 英语中有很多叠声词(组),复合词或词组前后发音相近,读起来朗朗上口,富有音乐感。Tit for tat:针锋相对Tweedledum and tweedledee:半斤八两hum and haw:表示犹豫或支吾的嗯嗯呃呃”声cling-clang:叮当作响,铿锵声。...
The Beijing Summer Olympic Games proved to be a near-perfect success, not because the host country harvested the most gold medals and the second large...
A while ago when Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary, I wrote a blog to explain why it was unlikely for him to pick the latter...
At present I'm reading an autobiography by Lee Iacocca who is a legend in the US auto industry.Son of an immigrant Italian, who grew up during the...
By Patrick WhiteleyA Beijing newspaper was recently critical of its fellow citizens for trying too hard to paint a perfect, unrealistic picture of the...
Everyone wants to get the best education. A much heard cliché says 'knowledge is power' and I agree with this. Ideally, learning promis...
At the medal-awarding ceremony after the women's 10m air pistol shooting competition on Sunday, silver medalist Natalia Paderina from Russia and b...
Usually one hates to admit he or she is wrong on a prediction. But I, for one, am more than glad to say I did not get it right on the Zhang Yimou-dire...
Progress through persistenceWhile working with International students at Australia's Charles Darwin University I remember the time two Chinese fri...