大惊失色”,汉语成语,形容十分慌张,吓得脸色都变了(be so terrified that one's face turns pale)。可以翻译为turn pale with fright”。例句:她听到那消息大惊失色。She paled with shock a...
坐享其成”,汉语成语,意思是自己不出力而享受别人取得的成果(sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others's work)。可以翻译为enjoy the fruits of others without having toiled”。例...
热血沸腾”,汉语成语,原指血液在身体中快速流动,将内脏产生的热量带到全身,比喻激情高涨、激动。可以翻译为with righteous indignation,with heart afire或one's blood boils”等。例句:他热血沸腾,仿佛又是一个二十岁...
人们常说事有轻重缓急”,轻重缓急,汉语成语,意思是各种事情中有主要的和次要的,有急于要办的和可以慢一点办的。轻重缓急”可以翻译为order of importance/urgency/priority,或relative importance”等。例句:你需要把自...
应有尽有”,汉语成语,意思是应该有的都有,形容十分齐备。可以翻译为have everything that one expects to find,have all that is necessary”。例句:商店货品齐全,从香烟到再生厕纸应有尽有。The shop stoc...
时来运转”,汉语成语,意思是本来处境不利,时机来了,命运也有转机,情境有了很大变化。可以翻译为one's luck improves,the luck has turned in one's favor”等。例句:他就要时来运转了。His luck is on...
随波逐流”,汉语成语,意思是随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡(drift with the tide/current)。比喻没有坚定的立场,缺乏自主判断, 只能随着别人走。可以翻译为follow the crowd blindly,drift along”等。例句:在这件事上,你绝...
老态龙钟”,汉语成语,形容年老体衰,行动不灵便。可以翻译为old and clumsy,senile and doddering或weighed down with age”。例句:虽说他已是老态龙钟,但思路依然清晰敏捷。Although he is old and dodd...
表达 know something back to front” 的意思是 对某件事情了如指掌,或对某个话题有深入的了解”。例句You're an expert in computing. You know computers back to front.你是计算机学...
表达 not know where to put oneself(不知道该把自己放在哪里)” 用来形容 某人非常不自在或尴尬”,有时也表示 局促不安”。例句That comedian was really bad. His jokes were so awful,...