UNIT SEVENTEENThe Process of Writing I have known very few writers, but those I have known, and whom I respected, confess at once that they have littl...
Unit EighteenType-A Personality and Heart Disease If you're a classic "Type A" personality -- hard-driving, impatient, competitive, inte...
Unit NineteenThe Modern Plato The modern Plato, like his ancient counterpart has an unbounded contempt for politicians and statesmen and party leaders...
Unit TwentyCamping Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon equipment, or through hiring it, the total expense ...
Unit Twenty-oneCurb Juvenile Violent Crimes THE PRESIDENT: Good Morning. This weekend Americans are praying for the people who lost their lives and fo...
Unit Twenty-twoA Pacific Paradise There are sharks sleeping at the bottom,” said the guide, flashing a naive grin. Let’s wake them up.&rdq...
Unit Twenty-threeCapital and Labour In the last half of the nineteenth century capital” and labour” were enlarging and perfecting their ri...
The Function of Education Benjamin Rankling, to whom this University owes so much, realized too that while basic principles of natural science, of mor...
Unit twenty-fiveElectronic Mail Friends and family disperse like dry leaves, drifting to different cities and countries. I’ll write,” I pr...
Unit Twenty-sixThe Success of Eastern Asia’s Economics Outsiders have contemplated the success of eastern Asia’s economies with admiration...