On Women’s Traditional Social Status Reflected in English ProverbsAbstract:This paper,from the feminist perspective,penetrates into the sexist d...
On the Differences and Similarities of Marriage between China and America 摘 要古今中外, 人的本性都是一样的, 都有七情六欲, 都表现喜怒哀乐, 都产生爱与恨的心理。但由于地理环境、历史背景、发展过程及其他方面的不同, 各个...
Catherine's dilemma between love and marriage in Wuthering Heights——The Psychoanalysis of love triangle relationship with Freud’...
A comparative study ofHanfeizi” andThe Prince”Abstract: As we know, Hanfeizi is the most representative figure of the legist school. His i...
Humanism Influences Social Development Humanism Influences Social Development ----Difference between Chinese and Western Cultures Chinese culture is ...
The Influence of Chinese Culture on BuddhismBuddhism was originally developed in India and brought to China over the Silk Road, and later to some exte...
A Perspective on the Study of Chinese Culture and SocietyDavid FaureInstitute for Chinese StudiesUniversity of OxfordIf I have to sum up what I have b...
On Thomas Hardy’s Religious Sense in His Works 托马斯哈代作品中体现的宗教观念 Abstract: Religion has a profound influence on the works of European and America...
The influences of Cultural factor on film translations 文化对影片翻译的影响 Outline Thesis Statement: Difference in eastern western culture causes a thing diffe...
The Influence of American TV Program upon Chinese Ones电视节目体现的是文化。。。可以回答文化来写ContentsAbstract (in Chinese)Abstract (in English)ChapterⅠ. Introduction A....