端午节(Dragon Boat Festival),为每年农历五月初五,起源于中国,是古代吴越地区崇拜龙图腾的部族举行图腾祭祀的节日。在端午节那天,有以龙舟竞渡形式举行部落图腾祭祀的习俗之说。说到端午节,很多人第一时间就会想到诗人屈原。战国时期的楚国诗人屈原在该日抱石跳汨罗江自尽,统治者为树立忠君爱...
One Oklahoma woman returning from a business trip got quite a surprise from her young son who went to meet her at the airport.俄克拉何马州的一位女士出差回来在机场在机场见到她...
While a tonne of information regarding the Lord of the Rings TV series has found its way online, Amazon has played coy about the series.(先前)尽管大量有关《指环王...
The former actress, 36, could be nominated in the Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series category, for her role as Rachel Zane.这位36岁的前女演员因扮演...
四级阅读部分解析Passage One本文节选自BBC NEWS网站Science & Environment板块,一篇名为Green spaces have lasting positive effect on well-being的文章。文章指出居住在环境更为绿色健康的社区对人有持续的积极作用。...
How have you successfully lost a large amount of weight?你怎么成功减肥的? 获得239.7k好评的回答@Atibhi Agrawal:The scale showed 104 kgs and I had tears in my eyes , I...
Have you noticed that many people can spend a lot of time comparing prices while shopping online, but always make sloppy decisions in the critical mom...
How to Effectively Work with People Who Are Smarter Than You如何高效地与比你聪明的人合作It's entrepreneurship gospel—hire those who are smarter than you. There&...
小编导读:马上就到父亲节了,你选好送给爸爸的礼物了吗?不知道选什么好?那看看外媒的推荐吧~This Father's Day, get your dad something special. There's no way he won't love something on ...
Miley Cyrus has come to Selena Gomez's defence after designer Stefano Gabbana called her “ugly“ on social media.在设计师Stefano Gabbana在社交媒体上公开称赛琳娜“丑”...