The Duchess of Cambridge will return to royal duties next week, bringing to an end her six-month maternity leave.在休了六个月的产假以后,凯特王妃下周就要重现开始王室工作了。Kate, 3...
When you buy a swimsuit, there's generally one thing you expect from it - to be able to wear it in the pool.你买泳装的时候,通常会期待一件事——就是在泳池里穿上它。So we feel...
Following years of reformulating at McDonald's, most of the burgers it serves in the U.S. are now preservative-free.多年来,麦当劳为其产品重新制定了配方,如今麦当劳在美国提供的...
这位帅哥是谁?他就是网球界的巨星罗杰·费德勒(Roger Federer)嗯,看到这个名号就觉得这价钱应该不过分。然而,这个决定一出来,各大媒体基本都在质疑:“优衣库这是怎么了?”像《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)给出的标题是:$300 Million for an Agin...
A new M&M flavour has been announced to the joy of candy-lovers - and it's inspired by everyone's favourite spread.令糖果爱好者们欣喜的是,玛氏M&M品牌要推出一款新糖果...
Game of Thrones will air its final season in 2019, but the author of the source material says that wasn't his call. In an interview with Variety o...
Last month eager film fans were given their first look at the Wreck-It Ralph sequel , which will feature all of the Disney Princesses together for the...
中秋节刚刚过去,国庆小长假又准备到了。相信可能有很多同学会在国庆小长假打算出外旅游。那如果出门在外,大家可能在机场使用的英语有哪些呢?莫慌,英语君来告诉你~Boarding Gate登机口Can’t find your boarding gate when traveling abord?No pr...